Tarzan bed sheets

Love at first sight o.O?

Homemade cheesy movie moment when guy sees girl and falls instantly in love. Personally I think this clip is hilarious cause each time it just makes me think "What the hell am I doing!?"

Happy new year!!!

Be excited!

Well today I've been staying home, sick (headache, a sore throat and sleeping until half past 11) so there is not much to talk about. Instead I'm posting this video I made a while back trying to get people a bit more excited for Christmas. I doubt it's that great but what the hell ^^'


The way of washing your USB-memory

So I realize that my essay about the matrix is on my USB memory... now where was my USB memory. I distinctly remember putting them in my jeans pocket on those jeans.... GULP! Those jeans... THAT I JUST WASHED! AAAAAH!

So I washed my USB memory with my jeans o(T.T)o This is even worse then the time I washed my ID-card in the washing machine!

Yes! Fucking yeah!!! It worked! Hallelujah, Kirby-dance time!

(>'-')>  <('-'<)  ^('-')^  v('-')v  <('-'<)  (>'-')>  ^(^-^)>


Swedish boys are yum

Stumbles upon a blog by a Japanese gay guy who's studying in America. And! The first thing I see is the headline "Sweden got talent" together with a Youtube clip from "Sweden got talent" where a couple of guys dances completely nude with only flat bread to cover themselves up with. Let me quote the blogger!

"OMG! They're so cute and seksi! I don't understand what they're saying but I get their performance. Hmmm Swedish boys are yum..."

I was just choked, I also tried to provide a translation of the Swedish by commenting on the post... But the commenting squares and stuff was in Japanese so I'm not completely sure I actually commented ^^'

Check out the blog by pressing the picture XD


My brother figured out that there is about 5000 files, and I manage about 200 a day. I'm going to be stuck in this archive forever (25 days if you do the math) D: But hey works not that bad, today they gave us a creamy cake and we practically got paid to eat it since we get paid for each hour we work and for some reason you don't count cake-time like not working. They also handed out vacation-gifts for the ordinary workers only (or so I thought).


Boss: Maria.

Me: *sitting quietly* Thinking: Boy it would be award if I had stood up now, good thing I didn't just act on instinct. I wonder who else here is named Maria?

Boss: ...Maria

Everyone: *Quietly looking at me...*

Me: Thinking: I wonder if she's ill today or something

Mom (who works there): Maria! *looking at me*

Me: What? Me?


Turns out also the people working during the summer also got a gift, a jacket :P


On the way home I was sitting in the front seat of the car sleeping when a horrible nightmare wakes me up and I jump up looking terrified. My brother and my mom found it very amusing and I'm just happy I can't remember what I dreamed about.

Star wars underwear!

So, tonight there is ”Brännbollssyran” which is well... I dunno, I'm not going ^^' I think it would be fun, but I don't really know a lot of people who's going. And the major reason to me not going, the entree cost money... Money that I don't really have. But anyway today we had JAPANESE COURSE TEST! DUN DUN ! Which is kinda scary, but a lot shorter and easier the anticipated. Then we had ”A cup of Joe” to have like a goodbye to Jed, you know the Australian. After that me Antonia and Tove went to town, doing pretty much nothing ^^' There was one thing that happened thought. For some unknowns reason we passed by the male underwear section in H&M, Antonia pointed at some guy underwear with star wars motive on them and I say with quite a load voice:


”I wish there was star wars underwear for girls...to...” When I see Jedd together with Roland standing like 5 meters away. Passing by them Jedd says:

”I heard that” Great, now I have exposed my neediness on a whole new level!



The annoying me^^'

When I am in a bad mode I tend to really annoy my teacher by complaining their smallest mistake and then rub it in their face... I'm such a mean person. Good thing I usually only take it out on the teachers, if I didn't I could actually really hurt someone emotionally.



Math teacher: When it's – the smile goes and becomes a sad smile :(

Me: There is nothing called a sad smile!

That I actually regret, cause when you think about it there is something called a sad smile... But it sure doesn't look like :(


Me: “bla bla bla”

Physics teacher: You're actually right.

Me: Yes I am!

I'm such a child^^' (and I didn't actually say bla bla bla XD)

Update ^^'

How could I forget that I had a blog!! O:


Anyways, these past days have been quite fun. Even thought the one when I sat on a buss for 6 hours to get home wasn't that splendid. After I tried to get rid of my spotify commercial for free, using some kind of internettrick it turned into french _ _' So I have no idea what they are about. I understand one word, and that is spotify.


Spent yesterday in town with Sofia and Alexandra, but this afternoon I'm going to spend with my mom for some mother daughter quality time (trust me I don't know what it means either). So when I'm not out on glorious adventures I'm studying. Actually I should study a whole day... But I don't want to > <!! Back to the Japanese, English, physics, maths, chemistry, and Swedish.


Sayonara :P

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