Initializing plan “now I'm fucking going to sleep!”

Since school started again, I have not been able to fall asleep before 02:00. Which results in me, being really really really tired at school and in the morning. But... when I get home I'm only tired for a short while and then BING! Wide awake, filled with energy, not at all tired. But today! I shall get my long awaited sleep (not dying!) by well, taking a walk, not being hungry nor completely full, drunken enough water, have a room swept in darkness, go to bed early, read boring book (Swedish or B&M), not sing, do the dishes or anything active when not being able to sleep. If this doesn't work I'm really going to become hysterical.

I wish this was a bumper car O.O

So I was out with my dad practicing driving... on a road... with other cars... AAAAAAH D: I'm okay at driving. You might even say I'm good at it. Unless I have to slow down, gear down, dip the lights, put the blinkers on, stop the car and look at the road at the same fucking time!!! Oh, and look at the other cars, bypasses and wildlife there might be. Other cars are never as scary as when you are driving T_T


I'll be back...

Back again week 52 or so...


Today was an eventful day... Pow! I hate being negative on my blog but really?! Everything on Thursday! English presentation (which actually went pretty well), Physics which were really boring and I had to talk to our dear physics teacher afterwards reducing my lunchtime, (I still had a nice lunch with Moa, Anneli and Priscilla thought), then we got our Japanese tests back... AAAH! I'll do better next time I swear!!! o(>x<)O Swedish essay writing= making bullshit sound good. And so... one more lesson and then home... Home <3


For me Thursday is the day of doom when I have every subject except for math and once Thursday is over it's almost like weekend already started. I feel happier now <(=^w^=)> and sorry for being in a horrible mood like 60~80% of the day ^^'

The 7 stages of grief

I didn't really want to make a post about it since everyone else already discussed it but, it's a matter of importance in my life so brace yourselves! Or just don't read, works either way...


1. Shock or Disbelief
"We might have go to Midgård"

2. Denial:
"It's not for certain yet! No exact decision have been made."
"They can't just move us! Everything would be completely wrong!"

3. Bargaining:
"Can't we just stay at Östra? Let them start up the new program at Midgård...!"

4. Guilt:
...I should have done my homework...

5. Anger
"We refuse to go to Midgård! NOBODY WANTS TO DO IT!"

6. Depression:
We might have to go to Midgård and there is nothing we can do about it...

What's up with me!?

I dunno what's up with me, lately it feels like I'm in a really bad mood! Which I'm not always are. It's like as soon someone says something to me I'm happy, but as soon as I'm alone I just wanna put a bunch of eggs in the microwave and wait for them to blow. I think it's because I'm having a hard time going to sleep in time after the holiday... So I slept a little and so I get cranky. But I like people and so I get happy when people talk to me. That's all of my amateur analysis of myself.



Waaah! Where did my vacation go! It's almost Thursday and what have I done?! Sure I have had tons of fun, cleaned the “apartment”, almost learned how to make amigurumis, been in my first official role-playing game and more. BUT I HAVEN'T DONE ANY SCHOOLWORK!

I'll better try harder from now on! It will be okey, I have after-all blue hair o(^-^)o



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Read it outloud

Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
Bang splat equal at dollar under-score,
Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma

Sick as in ill (just so there is no misunderstandings)

So I have gotten a cold. Great timing right? Not really no. I am hoping I'm back to my energetic me tomorrow so that I know for sure that I can go to Urkult. Other then that, not much have happened :/ You know... I'm sick... Can't really do much being... well... sick ^^' I run around sounding like a crow and when I try to avoid talking my brother can't not talk to me. I also want to go around singing for some unknown reason... which would be a bad idea cause... I'm sick :(

193 files

first day of work... To begin with my family doesn't really consist of morning-people. Especially not my brother who makes the robot Marvin (from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy) seem jolly in comparison. So after trying to survive about half an hour of time before getting of to work, I just need to survive spending 8 hours and 30 minutes at work. So deadly boring. I'm making a record of the archive and today I noted 193 files. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!!! So from now I'm going to start reporting funny/weird/dramatic things I hear on the radio instead of the actual work I do ^^'


A man got killed by his lawnmower at a golf-course... Sorry don't have anything more for today ^^'

Homesick T.T

Suddenly I just feel so depressed and home sick... I wonder if it have anything to do with the stress for all the upcoming tests or something else. Anyway, now I'm going to continue to study and and hope that tomorrow will be a good day. HOMESICK D:

Thank you o'holy math book for your guidance!

Math B course test tomorrow. No math lessons today, on the other hand there is physiological cafe, so we head there. Which was absolutely no help at all!!! So we end up getting ”help” from and older woman, who obviously didn't know any English. And explain everything in Swedish, after have had a year of math lessons on English both me and Tove are of course very confused. As soon as the woman leaves I decide to leave as well, I mean what is that point of staying in school if there's none to help me anyway. Get home, flips the matchbook open convinced that it won't help me... But it did, how can a math book be like a hundred times better at explaining then a teacher o.O?

There also seems to be something strange with our school, when it's winter you are close to freezing to death in our damn school building that's so freaking cold. And now when it's 27 Celsius and sunshine outside, the school is still like a refrigerator. So you sit there in your T-shirt and three quarters pants, trying to focus even though you just want to pull a blanket over your head and wait for the North Pole to melt.


Word describing how I feel right now: mjurk
Smiley describing how I feel right now: :(
Picture describing how I feel right now:

But this picture is a little bit off, see I'm already
home and unforunatly my chemistry is here with me _ _'
And the guys who are jerks are the ones who
think you actually need chemistry for something...

Bathtub look kinda comfy

First time I have slept in the hallway on Antonia's madras and with a blanket of unknown origins. Trust me, I'm not doing that again. Actually think it would have been comfier sleeping in the bathtub if it hadn't been that it was occupied by a couple of initially white shoes. Okay, next time I give my bed away I call shotgun for the bathtub! I'm not trying to be like Keisha or anything, I'm just saying that after a night sleeping on half a madras in the hallway is very uncomfortable.


Even if I complain, I don't regret anything from last nigth. Just that next time, we party some other place else then here.

What the fudge is wrong with this website?! It refuses to follow my orders. I can only hope that is not gathering it's forces in silence. For a horrible coup to free the internet from our enslavement. Beware! I'm keeping mu eyes on you!


Going up at 4:45 tomorrow, me dislike!
Sitting on a buss for 6 hours, me dislike!
Finaly comming home...meh, efter 6 hours busstrip and to little sleep, I problebly won't care anyway.


I should study... I really should. But I keep getting distracted, first it's food, then it's rubbers that's gone missing, then well, calculator :3


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