Brain-frying mission complete!

Yesterday a Christmas miracle occurred, it wasn't a very big one. But it's still a miracle. About little less then a month ago I wasted some money on a chocolate-calender, that I totally forgot. Until yesterday... Chocolate!!! And today is the 14, that means 14 (-4 that I already ate) pieces of wonderful chocolate only for me^^ I mean how big is the possibility that I would forget about a chocolate-calender, it's like 1 to a 100. Therefor I decide it on being a Christmas-miracle!


I would say that today have pretty much only been a day full of brain-frying. Yesterday I drank a Mocca coffee at Waynes. I never drink coffee since it tastes really bad, but not this one. How can you possible resist a mountain of choc-ho-coffee overflowing with whip-cream and colorful marshmallows. It tasted really good, but I, not being used to drinking caffeine had a hard time falling a sleep. And I woke up a 5 feeling like I could run to the end of earth and bungee-jump in the debts of hell. And that feeling remained... until shortly after lunch. When I totally ran out of energy! The only thing I did at Japanese-class was staring at the wall and yawning. Then Magda gave me some bubblegum causing me to get a sugar-rush. Then we all headed towards town, except for poor Antonia who is doing a German-test, and some other people that I have no clue where they are^^'


Tove tried to flee whiteout getting a hug, but I manege to catch her and give her a hug^^ That's hug nr. 4 today, with more to come. Anyway back to the brain-frying. We arrived to Waynes, and I ate a super-tasty blueberry cupcake and a Frappes (+ I stole some chai-latte from Magda...and some more bubblegum.) And continued to fry my brain using was horrible. I tried like 5 problems, and all of then are way of... I have to ask about it tomorrow.

And while sitting on Waynes, I didn't get the internet to work. But it did for Twinflower! She gave me the evil laugh.


P.s Cats are awesome!

Postat av: Ronja

Hahahaha!! That's indeed a christmas miracle, no doubt! (Y)

2009-12-15 @ 09:30:39

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