When I die...
Maria's future!?
So my future, what will it be? I find myself having a hard time imagining myself actually working with something. Either I would be bored or well as Moa said ask myself what the hell I'm doing with my life.
I hope having blue hair will be okay...
I shall try to answer these questions!
If a person dies and then springs back to life, do they get their money back for the coffin?
They should! Or they could just keep it...
Why do people think that swaying their arm back and forth would change the direction of a bowling ball?
Mind-power! I do it to X3
If girls with large breasts work at Hooters, then do girls with one leg work at IHOP?
I'll ask Moa what Hooters and IHOP is tomorrow ^^'
Why is it that everyone driving faster than you is considered an idiot and everyone driving slower than you is a moron?
I would say it's the other way around. The one driving slower then me are the idiots (considering that I'm driving super slow since I'm still only practicing driving).
If pro and con are opposites, wouldn't the opposite of progress be congress?
No! It's Latin not English. But it's actually odd since con means together rather then against and contra means against!
Why does grape flavor smell the way it is when actual grapes don't taste or smell anything like it.
I've haven't ever tried anything plainly grape flavored, but I'm guessing it is since it is hard to make fake taste real.
If a lesbian has sex with other women but never with another man is she still considered a virgin?
No, I wouldn't say so.
If a kid refuses to sleep during nap time, are they guilty of resisting a rest?
Yepp, they sure are.
Is it rude for a deaf person to talk (sign) with their mouth full of food?
Haha, no.
What's the difference between normal ketchup and fancy ketchup?
Fancy ketchup comes in fancy bottles with fancy text on them :D
If a transvestite goes missing, would you put their face on a carton of Half and Half?
Why not, seems quite smart.
Why is the Lone Ranger called 'Lone' if he always has his Indian friend Tonto with him?
Who is this Lone Ranger you speak of?
When does it stop being partly cloudy and start being partly sunny?
Partly cloudy= 50-99% of cloud covering the sun.
Partly sunny= 49-1% of cloud covering the sun.
Are eyebrows considered facial hair?
Not in common conversations but technically yes.
If a baby's leg pops out at 11:59PM but his head doesn't come out until 12:01, which day was he born on?
The later one!
In the song Yankee Doodle, is he calling the horse or the feather "macaroni"?
Of course he called the combination of a hat and a feather “macaroni”.
Is there a time limit on fortune cookie predictions?
Until it's reviver is dead.
Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?
I make round bread! And well because they thought it was simpler making a machine creating round “sandwich meat” instead of squared.
Do they have the word "dictionary" in the dictionary?
Yes they do. You can also search for google in google.
Can you daydream at night?
Nope, I wouldn't say so.
May guilt help you survive!
I was thinking about the TOK earlier today. About what defines a human being. And after giving it some thought I felt that what makes us human is not our tendency to classify things in right and wrong, the fact that we build houses or play music. It's our feeling of guilt. Guilt fill no purpose in surviving or carry on your genes to a next generation. Is it simply a feeling we've created fro ourselves? Or does it actually fill some kind of purpose. If anyone knows plez tell me.
Just like a pineapple boy throwing a package in the sea O(T_T)O
Forgotten fairytales
So I tried to make my English home work yesterday, about the Master cat/puss in boots. And when I'm just about to start, I realize that I can't remember the story. So I take a quick look on YouTube and get started. Then I'm suppose to rewrite Magdas work about the little red hen... How was that story line again?
Trying to be optimistic -.-
Tomorrow I end really early
On Wednesday I'm going shopping for new jeans
On Thursday I'm going to twirl with Magda
On Friday, well it's Friday!!!
Saturday... hrm... what should I do on Saturday?
On Sunday is first advent!
....I want cookies...
And, back again...
Now, bus back to Umeå! And this time I'll be watching Zombieland! And study a bit, finish my Swedish reading journal and shit. But still riding the bus is totally okay when you can laugh over a movie so everyone is looking as you like you were mad.
It was a really cool dude on the bus last time! When there was about 2 hours to Östersund suddenly he goes to the stairs that leads to the first floor of the buss and starts streaking and doing press-ups. It was as if he was expecting a ninja attack! But nothing happened.... Maybe this time!
The horror!!!
I while back I mentioned that I hugged the snowman on top of the hill! Well this week his head was gone! GONE I TELL YOU!!! GONE!!! Who would do such a horrid thing D: I was just walking by in a great mood when I see the massacre, I really felt like falling down on my knees by the remainders of the head and be all like *DRAMA QUEEN*.
I shall avenge his death! Or no, but I'll try to make him a new head when the weather is appropriate.
Killer or geek?
Found this quiz when you were suppose to guess if the person was a programming language inventor or serial killer by looking at their pictures. I got 3/10... From this we can conclude that I would probably accuse a serial killer for being a programming language inventor and a programming language inventor for being a serial killer ^^'
You think you would get a better score huh? Well I dare you to try!
I wake up, thinking that I'm super late! Grabs the phone to check what time it is and... It's four o'clock in the morning.
The funny thing is that I happened to end up a tad late anyway ^^'
What happened then?
Like what really happened to those golden ten crowners? Have they found anymore?
And well doesn't seem that way...
Today I saw a girl wearing big pink sunglasses at around 4 o'clock, meaning when it was DARK outside.
Sooo close!
Akatsuki...? Dare?
"ps ska nån cosplaya en medlem från akatsuki?? ^^ds "
"Ja, halva jävla konventet, som med alla konvent. God fucking damn it."
Min tanke "akatsuki...? Dare?"
Helt enkelt Akatsuku är den här jäkla Naruto klanen. Ja, jag gillar inte Naruto! Nej, jag har inte sett det (uppenbart). Men den är ändå en vanära för anime! jag menar filler efter filler och serien pågår för alltid! Det är ju som en enda stor ond cirkel, och den dagen jag träffar en person som är ett helhjärtat fan av Naruto ska jag seriöst fråga ett stort "Varför!?"
World domination in sight!
Be scared.
Yay, I just started writing on a short story based on the scariest dream I ever had as a kid. I have never forgotten the horror I felt waking up after having that dream and hope fully I'll be able to generate that feeling in the story. It is suppose to scare you!
But it's good since I had quite a morbid dream this night I'm kind of into the way of thinking sort of say. See, I dreamed that a new species of animals had evolved. I was one of the researchers of this new species and saw them together with some others. Apparently you could connect with the animals on a mental plane. I never tried this thought. I was gone for about doing two week researching and when I came later returned with some other it was only to find that the humans that had been mentally communicating with the animals had melted into them. Human parts was sticking out here and there and they were twice as big as before. They started to eat the people I was with and chasing me. But it was okay since I found this door in the middle of the scenery and I threw myself in there. I locked the door and was then safe inside a house.
That was my dream. I rarely have dreams that are even close to nightmares, this one was close but... I was never scared and hey I found a door :D
speaking of morbid and scary things. This is a really good song that get's me into the feeling of morbidness. It's from “high school of the dead” which is a super good anime if you can overlook all the fan service.
Here is a part of the new story I'm working on if you are instrested!
“Don't let him go” I glanced at my dad who now finally seemed to be done talking with the adults.
“What do you mean?” I floated back to Harold's face. His arm still had a firm grip around my arm, almost pinching me trough the warm jacket. A wind caused the leafs to rattle and the trees to whistle. The other grownups started to slowly walk away from dad, mom and my aunt, still talking to them.
“You can't let him go in there!” I pulled my arm away from him. I thought he was silly, annoying. It was just glasses.
“Something will happen! That store is...” He was searching his head after words. His hand were shaking... suddenly tears fell down his cheeps and he bit his lip so hard that it lost all it's color. The adults was now waving and leaving. The trees was no longer fiery and warm, they were cold. I ran back to mom and dad. Dad had his hand on the doorknob to the store. I grabbed the back of his jacket. He turned around gave me a faint smile and continued thought the door. I let go...
Today I was drawing when I kinda messed up. And I was just about to press the delete button, when I realized there aren't any delete buttons in real life ^^'
Tomorrow, today, tonight?
Tomorrow flute lesson 1.0! I'm really excited actually, I'll get some CAS and it will most likely probably almost absolute be really fun!
Today I also fell asleep after coming home from school again, and I slept for three hours! Which is not a good thing! Now I won't be able to sleep during the night and will... not sleep... be tired... die...
So I'm staying up late to night! So I can sleep...
Very well, I finished drawing my of Linnéa just recently... But, well resemblance.... I dunno ^^' I'm scared of posting it somewhere cause sure it looks human but it doesn't look like Linnéa m(T_T)m
Also here is my CAS-blog for those who are interested, and the design takes forever to load.