Merii Kurisumasu!

I had only 2 lessons today! First Japanese when we watched ”My boss my hero”. A really awesome and hilarious Japanese tv-series about a 28 year old guy who wants to inherit the title as mafia-boss after his father. But he's so bloody stupid that he's father says that he have to graduate from high school in order to become the next mafia boss. So he discuses himself as a 17 year old student and goes back to school to study. Those supid Japanese XD


This isn't the most funny part, but there wasn't a lot of it with enlish suttitle on Youtube. Still pretty funny, enjoy^^



And then I had English when we where given 20 minutes to make a presentation about Christmas traditions in other country's. So I checked up on Japan, apparently they don't really know the meaning of Christmas and eat Christmas cakes. And so after lunch I ended, such a great day.

Those Christmas cakes sure looks, tasty. Magda could even hear my stomach roar^^'


P.s Today I also decided to eat the rest of the chocolate in my chocolate-calender since I'm going home tomorrow. Sorry Christmas calender^^'


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