Should I be worried?

For Christmas I want a video-camera. My parents haven't asked me what I want for Christmas. They didn't last year either. They gave me a frying pan. Should I be worried? But hey! It can't possibly be worse then last Christmas right?...Right...?


Top 10 things I want for Christmas!

  1. Video-camera

  2. A Christmas miracle (black marshmallows for example)

  3. Poster (If it's ugly just give me the money!)

  4. Cute, funny or weird socks

  5. Wayne's coffeehouse gift card

  6. 8-ball

  7. Post it notes (non yellow)

  8. Rubik's Cube

  9. Radio-controlled car

  10. MONEY!!


...that's a weird wishing-list... It look's like it belongs to a child...A very intelligent child!


Top 5 ideas for Christmas miracles (that actually could happen)

  1. Black marshmallows

  2. Seeing dark wader at Ica Maxi

  3. Receive hugs from at least 20 people in a day (preferably from people I know...or good looking guys^^)

  4. Making my brother hyped (that's gonna need a lot of caffeine...he don't like coffee-.-)

  5. Beating my brother at chess!


Other Christmas miracles are also very Welcome!


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