Last night my brother and I was sitting in my room talking English. When my mother walks in...


Mom: Det snöar ute.

Bro: Aurg (some random emoish sound)

Me: But I want it to snow

Bro: Yeah but the weather is really bad

Me: it's windy alrigth

Bro: Yeah! It blows! (haha)

Me: Nice one (haha)

Mom: …?

After a while of explaining the joke and the two meanings of blows my bother goes


Me:...? (didn't hear what he said)

Bro: *does a facepalm*

Mom: Tactical what?

Bro: Tactical facepalm, when several people does a facepalm at the same time.

Me: Yeah, but I missed it since I didn't hear what he said

Mom:...Whats a facepalm?

Me: This is a facepalm (does a facepalm)

Mom:... What does it mean?

Me: look this is the face (pointing at my face) and this is the palm, the palm of your hand (pointing at my hand) and then you go like (does a facepalm). That's a facepalm!

Mom: What is it in Swedish?

Bro: It has no Swedish equivalence.

Mom: How do you use it?

Me and my brother speaking gibberish at the same time.

Me: Wait a second! (complete silence) … Mom, haven't you ever done a facepalm? (looks astonished)

Mom: recently?

Me: No, I mean like...ever?

Mom: I think I have... Some time probably

Me: Well then you should know in what context to use it.



Shorty explained, my mother isn't good at English. But it's so fun and she's so cute when she speaks English cause she's so bad at it^^' And for you people who doesn't know what a facepalm is, here is a picture. Enjoy :D


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