Three top three's

My list of top 3 annoying things!

1,5 litres milk-packages. I just have a really hard time opening then, just ask Antonia. And every time I take out a new package from the fridge my brother forcibly takes it away from me and opens it instead.

People who use “mm” as an answer to everything. Really pissed me off!

My parents hardly ever locking the door when going to the bathroom _ _'


Top three scary things!

Angry strangers. Soo scary > <

A pissed of Alexandra. Very scary^^'

Hello kitty! I don't know why... It's just so freaky!


Top three most embarrassing things I have done

I like to move it, move it (singing) and a super-silly dance at the Christmas show in the 9th grade. It was supposed to be funny... No one laughed...

Passing by the door to a classroom making some faces, after a while the people inside asked me “who are you?” They wasn't suppose to confront me > <

Saying “I'm an air-plane” holding my arms out just passing a corner. There was 2 girls sitting in a couch on the other side of the corner. My reaction, pushing on Magda (who was with me) and shouting -hurry, let's go! What can I say, I was tired and bored^^'

Now I challange you to do your own top 3/5/10(whatever number) list!! Please let me know what you did^^

P.s I found out that Prinscilla is on sale (see picture below). I'm buying!! And happy 16 Prinscilla^^

Postat av: Priscilla

Tack Maria :D Men får jag fråga en sak: Har du alltid trott att jag heter PriNscilla? ;O

2009-12-29 @ 23:39:52
Postat av: Maria


2009-12-30 @ 17:15:39

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