Whoo! I'm Luke Skywalker!

Which Star Wars Character Are You?

Your Result: Luke SkyWalker


You are a noble and loyal person who is always looking after the welfare of your friends, even if your hand gets cut off trying to save them. Just stop kissing your sister and everything will be fine.


But anyway back to real life. This was a great day, our first lesson was history when we finished watching the scarlet pimpernel, then we had lunch. Yey, Christmas food, julmust and peppercakes ;)

And on the P.E We had massage!! On the Swedish we played a few games and our last lesson was math. I wish all days could be like this!


I also went scanning the web about what people in the world thought about Sweden and Swedish people.


The Swedish people I have known have seemed to always be sleepy for some reason.

It is assumed you are cold, boring people, you are committing suicide several times a year, and (sorry) you have nice blonde high and promiscous girls ... that love the typical ugly short dark brown Spaniard. “


Sleepy...hrm...? That might be true^^'


Committing suicide several times a year? That wasn't possible last time I checked. I mean you can only die once, or have I missed something? And hey, we really don't take suicide that often. Not according to Wikipedia!!! And for your information boring and cold is probably the last thing someone would use to describe me...usually people just describe me as “jumpy”.

“love the typical ugly short dark brown Spaniard.”....What!? Who came up whit that??? Okay I prefer dark haired people before blond ones...but short? Dark brown? -.-

Idiots!.... Not much to say about the blonde girl part, everyone seems to think so....


Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. (Taking suicide is considered serious, so don't do it!)


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