If games were real, or if we were a game?

So what if games were real? Many seems to have thought about, not really me thought... Up until now that is ^^' Okay, I kinda have. I mean we could really be some extremely advanced game similar to the Sims created by giants (or rats). So it doesn't really matter what we do, these giants control our every move and what we think... Or maybe not, would be scary thought >____< But hey, what if we had extra lives? Wouldn't that be practical? Oh... maybe not, since no one would die the world would overflow with people and in the end it wouldn't matter how many lives we had since there would be no food. And about the The sims advanced version part, sooner or later you get bored of your sims and tend to kill them in the most creative way possible. So let us just hope that the rats/giants find this game a little more interesting than I found The sims 3 to be, if not... We are so dead D:


You can also check out the "RPG Heroes Are Jerks" a YouTube video made by College humor (grandmas XD) but for some reason I wasn't able to embed it.


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