Let's longboard :D

So I took out my longboard today, first time this year. And it felt awesome :D The only problem in this god damned suburb is the lack of emtyness. There is people practically everywhere o.O! And I'm not that good at skateboarding, I mean I have only had it for almost a year and due to the lack of asphalt I haven't had to much training. So I really have to try not to embarrass myself while cruising down the road. And then when I think no one is watching I try a little harder stuff, of course I stumble and fall off the board. When I hear a childish laugh and turn to the right only to see a like 5 year old kid lathing at me. I try to once again get on the board and mistakenly just kick it even further away from me... Talk about fail ^^'

And now, a buch of random pictures :)

Money, money money!!!

A fascinating mirror in Magda's apartment

And my awesome longboard :D


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