Why is that?


When a boy is friends with a girl and they become more then friends, could you then call that girl your girlfriend? ~quote from a random guy in school


Don't hold the loader to your head it might be radioactive (…) Okay, you can hold it in your hand. ~quote from our history teacher


Today on the bus there was two guys cheeking everyone's bus-cards to know that everyone had paid. They where from something called “group for security” written like G4S. Why aren't they hamsters?


I gotta go now, there are guards coming ~ quote from a guy on the bus, he stepped of on the next stop. Before the G4S guys had a chance to check him. Guess what I think?



What I think about:

  • Why does no one ever look the underneath side of a table? I write questions there but no one answers then.

  • If you have a really short guy/girl kissing a really long guy/girl. Does the shorter one stand on their toes, does the longer one bend down, or both?

  • Does peoples knocks on doors match their personality? or is it just my imagination?

  • How do people get the “don't touch the grass” sign on the grass?

  • Why are some bus shelters hollow?


Postat av: moaboaaa

hehe , silly nerd boys . ;)

2010-02-04 @ 13:26:30
URL: http://mmobo.blogg.se/

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