A wonderful welcome to 20010...?

Okay, today is the first day of 2010 (or as I always seem to write 20010). It's been an awesome year, I have graduated from my old school, started a new school, moved to a student home (that was scary), found a lot of new friends, moved to the upper floor of a woman's home, misscolored some stuff, seen new moon, heard our principal sing, said tree when I was suppose to say three way to many times. And a whole lot of other things that I can't recall. I gotten a blog as well, and facebook, thought I don't really know what to do with facebook. It just seems like contest of who has the most friends on that website..I got like 50 (on facebook).


Anyway, spending my new year with my parents was...lame... we ate dinner, watch ice hokey (Sweden won with 5-0. Go Sweden!), drank something my brother called glöggtoddy. It didn't taste to god, when he went to away I pored it out and then I drank water. Sorry bro^^'

played poker with my family, I wish we would have played about money cause I won! Watched 12-slaget on the tv. Watched mr and mrs Smith, and listening to my brother saying things like. “There is no way that could happen”, “why aren't they dead” and “Oh! She using an MG34 (it's a gun)”.

Going to bed at 3 and sleeping to 12....I had a nice dream.


Anyway, I'm going to town to watch Sherlock Holmes with Jessica, better be a good movie. Hope they speak British English and that Jessica (who only sleep 1 hour tonight) won't fall asleep during the movie. That would be embarrassing, and a bit fun, especially since it's the premier.


I don't have a good new year promise, any ideas? Happy 200010 :P (It's the year of the tiger for those who's interested.


P.s I will fix the header on the blog as soon as I feel for it.


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