About turnips, and the country where the turnips live.

Me, going the IB-program and all, aren't the lest interested in Sweden. I grew up here, and quite fast grew bored from it, but to my surprise there is actually people who wants to go to Sweden. As a prof of that, we have a new student in our class, and exchange student from Germany O.o

Also goggling Sweden I found this blog written by a student (non-Swedish) studying in Sweden. I found it very interesting reading what people think about Sweden, and words they find funny like ”Farthinder” and when we say god morning ”morron” it sounds like we call each-other moron. Because as a native speaker these things doesn't usually occur to you. There is for example a village, that I passed by like once a week growing up, it's name is “Bye” pronounced something like buie, and I didn't think about the fact that it was bye in English until one day when I was 15 and mistook the sign for a joke (I was very tired that day and was only able to think in English for a moment.). Could people be looking at Sweden as I look at Japan, Australia, Italy, Portugal and several other countries. As a whole new world of adventured ready to be discovered (cheesy yeah, but really that is what I think). Cause up until now I have only met people coming to Sweden with their parents, and not by their like “free” will. I haven't even thought that people would actually come here, only like, talk about it. But apparently it exists, surprising enough as it is. And just recently I realized that the word swedes means kålrot/turnip, I mean... I am a vegetable... how did that happen O.o


Haha! I should Google Sweden more often, there is so many things I didn't know about us ;D

(none of those below are completely true)


A Swede is tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and wears a wooly hat in the winter. By nature he is shy, reserved, serious, industrous, and finds it hard to laugh at himself. He is also a creature of habit and every morning gets up at 5.30 to give himself enough time to read the morning newspaper before going to work. Since work does not usually start until 8 o’clock, this can only imply that a Swede is also a slow reader. “


Those crazy Swedes! When we're not killing polar bears with our bare hands, we make cheap ass furniture and drive around naked in our Volvos and Saabs.”


Swedes listen to rock music and have sex all the time, often while drinking beer and talking trash about the norwegians. We also take pride in creating some of the best pornographic material in the world. “


Here is some funny websites about Sweden, just don't fully believe then, they are quite weird XP Except for “Swedish blog” that's a serious one. Click on the pictures for different websites, just click and guess you will never know what you might find out XD


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