”Home” sweet ”home”

Okay now I'm ”home” meaning my second home in Umeå. After sitting 5 hours on the bus yesterday, I wandered around in the deserted hallways of the hospital waiting for the bus. And when reaching ”home”, the first thing I did was to check if my bike was still there so it wasn't stolen or anything... The thing was on the place where my bike had once been standing the was a huge pile of snow almost as big as me and about the same wide as my bed... Great _ _'

Stepping inside the hallway, my dad calls... Great _ _'

“Daddy, I just got inside the house, I don't want to wake anyone up and I have to drag 3 bags up the stairs. I will call you later!”

So I stomped, clattered and almost braked my shoulder walking up the stair with 3 big, big bags. When I finally get up Antonia's (my room-mate) door is open, but she's not in there. Everything is covered in darkness. And then! Dun dun!

“Oh hay, I borrowed your room since internet doesn't work in my room” It's Antonia :D


And today, my landlady told me she had just put away the bike, in a garage. Great, I don't have to dig it up^^ Sadly enough 2 of my plants died during the winter-vacation, but I bought new cooler plants instead. And to all PIB's, I will see you tomorrow, can't wait :D

Some old pictures from mine and Antonias "Apartment"


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