Judging people by their appearance

Judging people by their appearance or what people say about them is something we all do. Now you might think “No I don't!” but really you do. And really since it's the first thing you get a hold of it's quite reasonable. Anyway different people judge people by different things, such as if there are wearing special brands, hairstyle, jewelery, make up, hair-color, so on, so on. So I'm going to tell you what I judge people by mostly in appearance, and that's usually three things.


Their shoes, their style and makeup. Basically what I think when I see peoples shoes is this, converse=a cool and nice person, high boots=hrm... (look at the rest of the person), gym shoes=boring, a bit more unusual shoes and I usually think, nice shoes, probably a nice person.


About the style, well I especially like punk and rock (but not over the top) , but really anything is fine except it looks “fjortis”.


And make up, if they don't use any make up at all, I think it's a nice person (if early-er things works out right). A lot of makeup means that they are “fjortisar” or evil bitches. A normal amount of make up and I don't really think about it that much.


But you have to understand that this is the first thing I think about you, it's really not the truth. For example one of my best friends almost always wears gym shoes and she's like the totally opposite of boring. The only point of this is pretty much, wear converse or converse-copy's cause I have never met a mean or boring person who wears converse XD

So really don't take this the wrong way, if you now have a lot of make up. But you might wanna think about cutting down on the makeup ;P

Postat av: Magda(:

high boots=hrm... (look at the rest of the person),

HAHAHA you'll laugh your head off when u see what shoes my mum bought me. Though I don't really like'em but I don't have any other shoes anymore cuz' the usual once I have is like ... wholes in it and stuff !!! XD HHAHAHA .. just preparing you..

2010-01-03 @ 13:39:33
URL: http://unheardscream.bloggsida.se

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