Move your ass from my space bitches! Or I will...

Today, my brother, my father, my mother, my grandpa and I went to Östersunds new year chorus show. Since my grandpa is in a wheelchair we had 2 seats that was handicap-seats (one for the handicapped and 1 for the one that takes care of the handicapped) and 3 seats on the row belong the handicap seat. The ting was that when we arrived to the theater, some people was sitting on our 3 seats. No, the people sitting there wasn't mean or evil, it had been a double-booking and me and my mother ended up running to where they sold the tickets 5 minutes before the show started. The lady there was utterly confused but noticed that no one had booked any of the handicap seats (except for us but since that didn't show up on the computer) this resulted in that our whole family ended up on the handicap seats. GREEEAT!! The coziest chairs ever, lot's of space for our feet, no one in the way, and we made it just in time for the show. Also I got the seat next to the light technician , that was kinda interesting^^ The only thing bad about the seats was that people seemed to look funny at me like “Does she really have a handicap?” or “I wonder what her problem is?” but maybe it's just my imagination^^'


The new year chorus show was really fun, and well made. Other then that I spent my day studying math and “A ninja was called, a ninja has answer” was mine and mystery Google's fault.


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