Movies, movies and freezing cold weather

Sorry I haven't been updating lately but me and my friend had a movie night, including her sleeping over. We totally watched 8 movies + I watched Garfield 2 before she arrived.

Inglorious bastards (Action) : A very good movie, funny, weird, flashy and a bit raw. I like it :)


Lesbian vampire killers (horror comedy): Not as weird as scary movie, with some badly explained stuff, but in all a quite funny movie (not scary ^^')


Anti Christ (Horror): Sickest movie I have ever seen! We shout it down after half, and didn't dare to watch it until the next day... Just don't watch it... it's repulsive... you will be scared for life... don't do it... scary > <


The fantastic four (Action) : Watched this movie on tv6, nice movie, quite a bit to obvious for my taste. But good if you want to avoid thinking about Anti Christ.


The Tv6 guy: More action?

Me & my friend: (Getting curious)

The Tv6 guy: There will be more action here again tomorrow.

Me & my friend: Damn!

The tv6 guy: Can't wait until then?

Me & my friend: No (now highly curious).

The tv6 guy: But what am I suppose to do? (sounding really upset)

(Awesome right, we actually had a conversation with the TV ;D)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Adventure) : I had actually seen this movie once before (or the ending at least) I like all the characters, the story and some sword-fighting is never wrong.


Ella Enchanted (Comedy): Funny in a cute way, but quite silly. (He poisoned the on earth does that work? I mean who have ever tried eating the crown?)


(we watched the rest of Anti Christ...scary > <)

Reign of fire (Sci-fi): Okay, I was very tired during this movie, so I don't remember that much. It's not a funny movie, more like drama. Not a big fan of drama, but they made the dragon really cool.

Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement (Comedy): Funny, cute, romantic...Boring, because I have already watched it way to many times. Nice family movie thought... No age limit.

Usually we aren't that lazy, but hey it's -25 Celsius out there. I'm not going out there, are you?

Just remember to never ever, ever! Watch Anti Christ... Scary > <

Winner of the the 8 movies! Lesbian Vampire killers!

It' a funny, weird and a good movie for watching with your friends. Just kidding, the only reason it won was because its about vampires and that they splat into icky goo when they die XP

Nr 2: Inglorious Basterds

Haha, Hitler's laugh makes you laugh! It's very ironic and serious at the same time, some things just surprise you so you have to laugh. And the ending is really brutal. Mohaha!



Postat av: Ronja

I watched Inglorious Bastards a couple of days ago. I loooved it.

The ending is epic! (Y)

2010-01-09 @ 19:39:32
Postat av: the owner ;D

It sure is^^

2010-01-11 @ 20:52:16

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