Oh my devil that's a lot to do!

-Now that you have a blog you have to update like three times a day.


-Because that is what all the successful bloggers do.


I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I haven't had the time and I'm not a sucessful blogger either so...


Okay, I have been studying, studying and watched the the ring... great combination. As I don't get enough nightmares by all the tests coming up (Physisc, Chemistry, Swedish and now alos Japanese D: )


I happened to say that I tested to drop the computer on a stone-floor, when I meant I happened to drop it^^' everyone thought that was very funny since one of the IB1 overheard the tested to drop and took it deadly serious.


Word of the day: Oh my devil! (instead of Oh my God!)

Happenings tomorrow: Wear a dress Wednesday (unofficial, since I bought a dress yesterday, they are forcing me to wear it tomorrow. But in exchange they will also wear dresses.)


Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm still alive and studying _ _


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