Pie and Vampirism

I'm sitting in my room waiting fro my pie to get ready (it's in the oven). The thing is that it smells horrible because something in bottom of the oven is becoming burned... And I'm not going to turn of the oven and clean it. I want my pie!


You know what there is something called “Östras Kristna” (meaning our schools Christians) but there is no Östras Muslims or Östras Atheists... Isn't that like racialist? Or disregarding to other religions. I mean is it really like important that we keep Christianity in Sweden, it's not that I have anything against it. But can't the religions be equal, and don't try making other believing it, sure you can tell people what it stands for, but you don't have to force someone in believing. I bet that more then half of all wars was because of religion. And it wouldn't surprise me if another suddenly appeared ( a war I mean).

About religions that oppose of the lawn, I am oppose. And like this vampire religion (not sure if it's some kind of joke thought) .


Our primary focus is that of a unique religion which is devoted to enabling candidate humans achieve the Vampiric Condition and to promote the spread of Vampirism as it serves the desires of the Undead. This is not a game. We are all deadly serious.


I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me ”


Sure nothing wrong with believing in vampires (I do it myself to some extent) but the whole, I'm a vampire bow down before me thing, if you are a human, then you are not a vampire and then you are equal to others. I guess this sounds very confusing, I'm just gonna go eat dinner... Bye^^


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