Saturday grocery shopping

Saturday, and time for grocery shopping. Not feeling like it I asked the “almighty” Google how to make it more fun. The thing was that the only things I could find was pretty much.

How to make shopping a fun experience for kids” or “Making shopping more fun for men”. And well, I'm not a man nor a kid. I'm a teenager who don't have a lot of money to spent on other things then food. I asked Antonia if she wanted to join me... she said no :( So all alone I left the house and took the bike to the store.


Nowadays they hardly have these kind of shopping carts (< .<), instead there is one with no lower floor or whatever you should call it. For me when I realized that the old model hardly existed anywhere, it was a big disappointment. And today I found out that the store where I shop still have the old model. It made me like happy and I ended up getting one (I usually just use a basket). Awesome! Time to go riding a shopping cart. That is why I like the old models, cause they have a place where you can put your feet while sliding around with a cart.


The thing was that the store was packed with people. And if I would have slided on the cart for even I second I would probably crushed in to someone or something. Anyways here is a video of truly fun shopping XD Sadly I'm so bad at trowing I would probably end up sweeping up milk from a broken package or something.



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