Seatbelts on! I'm driving.

Yay, car driving practice^^ Me and my dad took the car and drove (he drove) to a deserted road in the middle of the forest. So that we wouldn't risk meting a lumber car with me at the wheel, my dad drove all the way to the end of the road. In the end of the road there is clear- cut area, therefor the fear of lumber cars. There we changed places and I got to sit by the wheel. Everything was going great, until we arrive at a crossroad. My dad tells me to use the blinkers (something I haven't done before) I hit the break in the confusion, he tells me how to put the blinkers in, I allow the car to start moving again, my dad tells me to look at both directions (a little too late for that dad). Exactly when the the car once again have gained speed and the bilkers just stop. A Bright light appears in the other end of the road. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! IT'S A F* LUMBER CAR!! (I didn't say that, but I though so!).

Me: What do I do? *uses the brake and stops the car*

Dad: Don't flash him! *leans over and changes to half-light* Back up the car!

Me: Where's the reverse gear!? *staring at the gear*

Another half minute of confusion and from my side a bit of panic. The Lumber car had stopped in front of us by the way^^' My dad jumps out of the car, I put the car in central position jumps out of the car and change to the passenger seat. While my dads back at the driver position. You can guess what happened after that, yes of course everything worked out fine, but not thanks to me. We went talking to the lumber-car-guy after the whole confusion was over, the first thing he said was...

Lumber-car-guy: driving practicing? (How could he have guess that? Maybe the fact that me and my dad changed places when we met him^^')


Another thing that happened a little bit later, when I once again was driving (I know it sounds so weird XD). It was a hill, I let go of the brake and the car started moving (no parking brake in) and I hadn't started driving yet.

Me: The car is moving!

Dad: And what do you do then? (at the same time he said that I put the brake in again)

Me: Put the seat-belt on! *Putting on my seatbelt*

Dad: *Looks at me in a confused and amused way* (he meant that I was suppose to hit the brake^^')


And on the way back home, this time on the mainroad (my first time on a mainroad, I was very nervous).

Dad: You can choose yourself what speed you want to have.

Me: I don't want to drive to fast here

Dad: So you do want to drive fast! (he wasn't kidding, he just misheard me)

Me: NO!!! I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE FAST HERE! (I was a tiny viny bit scared^^')

Dad: ... Okey... … … More gas!



Well I made it home^^ And as I said in the end of the car trip. “That was... an adrenaline rush”

Drive safely and pray that you won't meet me on your way home :P

Postat av: Magda (:


2010-01-07 @ 01:06:15

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