
I was curios about sleepwalking so I checked it up, It seems people have done some pretty weird stuff being asleep. I also found this website about keeping your sleepwalking kids safe during their sleepwalking, this is a quote from that website. "Keys should be kept out of reach for kids who are old enough to drive." It sure feels like this implies that people have been driving sleeping, scary :0 Personally I don't sleepwalk, except for this one time when I woke up sitting on the floor like a meter away from my bed. No idea how I ended up there. Check up "sleepwalkin" on Urban dictionary and there is another story about a sleepwalker.

I have several friends who sleepwalk, and especially talk in their sleep. Get how funny that is, you can ask them anything and they are not going to remember answering it. Sorry I don't really have anything funny to say about sleepwalking since I don't really do it, nor talking in my sleep, nor snoring (mostly^^').

Now I'm going to enjoy sleeping, so happy I'm not sleepwalking cause if I did I might go downstairs to my landlady and her son while sleeping... That would be so horrible embarrassing > <!


Postat av: aleeekz - tävling pågår.

Hallå hallå :)

haft en bra dag ? :)

tänkte berätta att jag har en tävling på bloggen om ett jätte fint smycke :

Ha en underbar kväll :) <3

2010-01-24 @ 23:02:38

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