Smoke-sale and food fight!

But I should have studied a lot... I didn't... So I'm gonna study today!


Yesterday I went to town to meet up with Sofia, we went to Rut m fl, since a recent fire had made all the clothes smell of smoke and they sold everything really, really cheap. Bought a couple of jeans for 150, that would have been for 300 if not for the smoke-sale. Then, time to slack! We rented 2 movies bought soda, potato-chips, and a mudcake. Took the bus to Sofia's place and well, we ate it all in about 1 and a half hour. Except for the whipped cream, that we also had a small scale war with.


Then later on we where playing long music and just chilling, suddenly Sofia's dad opens the door and screams ”DINNER!!!!!”, I thought I was going to get a hearing damage and Sofia asked what he's problem was. He tried to blame us for playing really loud music when he realized that at the time he yelled there was no music since the song had already ended. Fail!


I can recommend the Butterfly effect, cool and surprising movie. But Urban legends bloody Mary... Such a disappointment.


Sofia: I found some potatochips!

Me: What! Where!


And so the war of the last potato-chips stared...

Postat av: Sofia

hahahahahahahahahahahaha xD I had fun^^

2010-02-01 @ 17:21:15

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