Stupid and smart in one head o.O

Today I realized something, I'm extremely stupid, and at the same time quite smart. Earlier this day I was at my friends house, she remind me about how she tricked me that a spoon is very important for a lesbian sex-life. I don't really recall believing this, but my friend is confident, so I guess I suppressed it^^'. Another proof of my stupidity and trust in others (that I actually do remember), was when the earlier mention friends of mine (Ronja btw) tricked me into thinking that her phone would explode or at least brake if she spoke to me for to long time. And the next morning, at the second she saw me she stared laughing and continued doing so while explaining how terrible stupid it was of me to believe that the phone would actually explode (to my defence I would just like to say that she was very convincing).

Then there is the fact that I didn't know what “noob” meant until the second term of the 9th grade. And I didn't know what was so special about 69 until the summer vacation. This all lead me to the understanding that I'm horrible stupid :P

Then the proof that I'm smart...oke that's it. Just kidding, well I usually understand things pretty quickly, and pick up information where ever I go. Seriously I have a hard time not learning!Going to confirmation I deiced that I wouldn't learn anything of it. I later during a bible quiz noticed that I remembered a whole lot more then everyone else. The same with some Swedish lessons in the 9th grade, horrible boring Swedish teacher. I seriously sat and read a book right in front of her, and still knew more of what she had said then the others. I got MVG in Swedish in the 9th grade by the way.


So there you got it^^' Other then that I would just like to say that I miss everyone in Umeå, but I really can't come back until the 9th. Luckily there is people who's even more stupid then me (like me in the 9th grade XP)


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