We fought a photo booth and came out as the winners!

This morning was very exacting, since me and Antonia arrived early we reacted every time someone came down the stairs, hoping it would be one of our fellow PIB students. People slowly arrived, HUG WAR!! Then Chemistry... you feel like when you once again reunion with your friends school suddenly became boring again, and you can't understand why you missed it (a tiny viny bit) during the holiday.


After school I hit town together with like half of my class^^ Thought we split up once reaching town. I, Antonia, and Tove had to buy a buss-card, and Anneli and Kate tagged along. It was a bit awkward waiting in line, cause everyone was super-quiet (you could probably hear a needle fall). So me Tove and Antonia whispered, and we did it in English, and I swear everyone in the line was listening to us. Quote of Antonia “Everyone is so quiet... So typical Swedish. “ I bet they heard that to.


Then I bought post it's, toothpaste, duck tape and pretzels. (just if you wanted to know). Tove really wanted to buy candy but then said that she couldn't eat candy. Of course we asked her why.

“I can't eat candy since I'm a vegetarian”, doesn't it sound logical :P

We hung out at Wayne's for quite a while where I also ate dinner. After that me, Tove and Antonia went fighting with a photo boat since Tove needed a photo, i

t was really hard, and we ended up standing there for like 10 minutes before we could make it work, and then we had to pay in cash with 5 and 10 kroner coins. To find all these small coins wasn't to easy either, I mean who ever wears a lot of coins with them (royals shouldn't jingle XP).

The we went shopping. Entering H&M, there is was... Antonia “It's a star-wars T-shirt!!”

So we picked up some clothes and when reacting the dressing rooms the woman there says “We close in 5 minutes” meaning we really had to hurry... But Antonia bought the awesome Star wars T-shirt so at lest something good came out of this shopping. I didn't buy anything...

That's all folks!


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