Gulp... how?

Yesterday I went to the supermarket, which is a super normal thing to do. But today I was talking to Sofia on headset while shopping. SO FUNNY! People where always looking at me as if I was crazy like ”OMG! That girl is talking to herself! Crazy people D:” there was even an older woman who grabbed her grandchild and pulled her away from me ^^' Anyway, we talked about shoes among other things. I was buying a couple of like ballerina shoes-ish. Which by the way today gave me blisters... Anyway, she sent me a link on msn on a couple of shoes and today when I saw them I was like ”Gulp! Is that even possible to walk in o.O?”. Sure it looks good, but... maybe being able to walk would be considered... Well, in this time of proms and graduations I thought I would put up some pic of dresses shoes and stuff. Let me just say, this isn't necessarily dresses and stuff I think look nice... okey the dresses just look pretty funny XD



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