People in town

Wandering around in town, dumdidum. And there is a cowboys looking middle aged guy standing on the town square playing very bad music pretty loudly. So we asked him if he was allowed to play music. After ”arguing” for a while he said ”bla, bla, bla” and gave us that ”Stupid teenagers” look. Bastard! I mean I was just asking, I didn't even say that he's music sucked and I mean there have to be a sound limit, so that people aren't like disturbed. Right? I'm not saying he crossed that line (if there is one) , I was just curios. Still are actually.


Then we asked people how to spell a word that can't be spelled. I'm serious, it's not possible to spell it. It just isn't! That is why you guys just have to wait to find out about the word for the day when I know how to spell it. Or find a you tube video with it.


By the way, that calculator cost like 1449 kr (that is 203,87 dollars, 134,26 pounds or 18446,85 yen) if you where to buy it anywhere. So, I better not lose it. Hail to the free calculator :3

Damn I feel ego, first picture of me on the blog XP

Postat av: Sofia

I have one of those too! I've said more than once I will glue it to my arm. Don't want to lose it!><

2010-03-23 @ 15:25:55

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