Why facebook???

As usual I had nothing to write... so I was thinking research on a random subject! Dun dun! Facebook!


"It made dozens of papers and websites, including The Times, The Calgary Herald, and The Australian, which told its readers that "Facebook fixation harms student grades" and referred worried readers to a Sydney University-based group called "I want to sue Facebook if I fail university#

So facebooking give you bad grades...or does it really?

"There isn't a shred of evidence that Facebook is bad for young people. On the contrary, it's a wonderful thing that, with balance, helps them grow, helps their mental abilities develop and it should be encouraged," said Tapscott, the author of "Grown Up Digital."


Sigman (who also believe that Tv kills people) warned that people are becoming increasingly deprived of real face-to-face personal contact, which encourages 'cuddle chemicals' that make people feel warm and fuzzy and help prevent cancer, strokes, heart disease and dementia. Such cuddley molecules are absent in the type of bleak electronic communications found on Facebook. But not MySpace.

Nah, where is that fuzzy fealing? Myspace...? Is this a trick? Problebly beacuse acording to the website facebook increases the chance of catching cancer by up to 100%... Enough said.

Links=mushrooms :D

enough said


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