Only one lesson today! Great if I had only known about it... Well going to "chemistry" wasn't that bad I guess. I have been practically studying the whole day. Physics, history and... okey that's it. But trust me, it ends up as a lot of physics and quite a lot of History as well. So what was our only lesson you might wonder, 日本ご (Japanese). listening comprehension, and of course I have a tendency to drift of ^^' Well, it still went well! And we got our final grades :D Also アレクサンドラ せんぱい (Alexandra Sempai) wrote me a paper filled with Japanese dramas. Guess who's going to nerd Japanese dramas during the summer vacation ;D
マクダレナ どうぞ!!!
And here are the dramas for those of you who might be interested ^^
Great teacher Onizuka
Tokyo Dogs
Zettai kareshi
Youkan Club
(“Crow Zero”)
Brother Beat
Lovely Complex
Gachi Baka
Queens Classroom (jou no kyioshitso)
My boss my hero
Buzzer Beat
Tokyo Tower
Atanishi no danshi (?)
Nodame (Cantanbille)