Hug.... And high five?

Yesterday, waz awesome! Sadly not everyone was there to enjoy it, shout out to Alexandra! Who is in Luleå trying out for Idol >.<!!! I'm so nervous for her sake, and shes not. Okay, reason for last night being awesome, Nälden dans gala. A ball which is quite big. In the end it was so packed with people that space that in the beginning had been dace floor just was a mess of people. I personally ran around dancing quite often. The thing is, after every dance it is a custom to hug each other and saying thank you for the dance. And I usually also asked them for a high five, which often makes them very astonished and confused. Why is that? It's just a high five, how hard could it be? I also danced with a horrible guy D: he really hold me so tight that I could hardly get any air, and in the end of the dance he almost refused to let go. No high five there, just the quickest way away from him. I also danced with the coolest most good looking guy in the building twice. I think his name was Simon, but I have a horrible memory when it comes to names... Anyways, he was awesome! Real eye-candy XD


Postat av: Ronja

Du kommer revolutionera dans-världen med din high-fives! (Y)

2010-05-03 @ 12:09:19

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