Pa paa pa paa panda nekoo

I'm finally finished with my amigurumi that I started doing on... Wednesday? Tuesday? Can't quite remember ^^' Anyway today I went to Hamnmagasinet to stuff it and hang out with peeps. Åsa-sempai surprised me a bit by bringing a pumpkin, but it was nice to see an "alive" pumpkin for once. Then there was this shush shush meeting about some festival with movies in the roof that Åsa apparently have applied me as slave to. Well, well, I get Service for it (and it's probably really fun). Also the shush shush meeting was held in a tent in Broparken, awesome! Then we ate a lot of delicious pastrys and simply were weird together. Drew on each others faces (no penises actually) and drew and... talked...

Note to self:

  • Learn the "Panda neko" dance + song

  • Learn the "How I met your mother" car alarm


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