This morning was in reality a chance for me to sleep, but no since I missed my laundry-day I had this idea that I would go up early to do the laundry before school. But my landlady was using it D: School was quite normal, played a little don't touch the floor(by myself) before the physics and only had a 20 minutes lunch.
Then suddenly, after school! Me and Anneli join forces heading to town and once parting with her I see this guy, with brown hair, black jeans, black converse and a gray hoodie. WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE NIKLAS! A doppelganger! Seriously, same hairstyle, hair color , like exactly same clothes. Course the face wasn't the same and he was wearing glasses! Like a replica from behind @___@
And then I get back and Antonia is finished with her laundry so I start mine. When I later on go down to get it, suddenly there is this guy there who introduces himself in English o.O Apparently our landlady's son have now moved out and that guy now lives there. He is half danish and half Swedish if I can remember correctly, but have been living in the UK for the past 15 years.
Then when I run up to tell Antonia this astonishing news, she is SLEEPING! And she continues to do so until like half past 9 in the evening. Then finally she comes out. And is like “I'm tired”. How can she sleep that much. Then when I tell the extremely tired Antonia “There is an English-speaking guy living in the basement!” suddenly she is wide awake and smartly says “Then maybe we shouldn't be talking English in case he hears us...”
So summing up, doppelganger, Basement-guy, person who can sleep infinitive amounts.