Blue surprise waffles :D

Surprise photo:

To begin with, we had our class-photo today. A thing which Anita hadn't told us about. So suddenly it's like, photo time! And well, since we weren't prepared we just brought a bunch of books and went with the dork style.


Waffles & Blue hair:

So Magda was abducted to our place and forced into coloring my hair (not completely blue, but partially). We ate waffles, blueberry pie and had really fun. Even though Antonia was a bit grumpy to begin with. :P And my haircolor brand is "powered by fudge"!



So there is an English (sorta) guy living in our basement. And when coming back from saying buy to Magda he was like “Do you have any movies I can borrow for a while” I who for the moment had a clean room (amazing isn't it) said that he could come up and see what kind of movies I had. And then he kinda started talking a lot. He seems so lonely so I thought I keep him company for a while. His quite weird, but I don't really have anything against him. Except for the difficulty to have him stop taking without actually telling him to do so.



Another eventful day

Maria out...


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