Only the good things...

Funny things haz happened, great things! Wonderful things! I've finally seen Scott Pilgrim vs. The world! Great movie, it really speaks to the geek inside you. Me and Magda had waffle night, and then we went off the map (see Magda's blog for more details). I'm really bad at this explaining thing right now. Today, I spent the morning in ZOMBIE-MODE and then went to the hacker space to study with Åsa. Japanese and BUSH ✔, I have just recently done the dishes, (it's 01:30) and for some reason I'm still not tired. Oh and also... Where could Antonia be... I just hope she hasn't taken the forest path to go to grandma. If so I hope she left a trey of white stones behind her. Moa back in school tomorrow, Yay!


P.S note to the headline, some of the good things, not all of them, but none of the bad.



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