Last man standing

Our school is holding a game called last man standing. You get a persons name and class and are suppose to eliminate them using one of he following methods.


  • Remove the persons shoe

  • Put a post-it note in the persons hock until the person tries to take it away

  • Sit in the persons lap

  • Draw a mustache on the persons upper lip

  • Hit the person with a A4-paper-airplane


I really wanted to attend this game but missed the registration so I thought I wouldn't be able to. But then Sara in my class had registered but didn't want to play, and I would be allowed to take her place if I only could find that NV2 person that was responsible for the whole thing.


So on my lunch I made a wild goose-chase around the school trying to find this girl, only knowing how she looked like and her name. So first I get some help form a NV1 who happens to know pretty well which people who are NV2 people. Find a couple of NV2 people find out that this girl is in NV2a and her name. Check up her name in the school-catalog, yes it's her. Find a SP student who knows that the NV2 are at lunch. Go to the lunch finding more NV2 asking for the girl and tada! There she is. So I get my note with the person I'm suppose to eliminate and then hurry to the history convinced that I'm late.


I arrive to the corridor outside the classroom and all of my classmates are there so we haven't started. When Sara loudly says “There is Maria!” to a guy standing in the stairs with a paper airplane in he's hand. I realize that this guy is the person who is suppose to eliminate me, but since I switched places with Sara he is utterly confused about who to eliminate. So I have to stand there and explain to him that I'm the one he's suppose to eliminate... When he finally get's it... He has a paper airplane... So I ran for it! I run trow the corridor. The guy with the paper airplane right behind me, just passing the corner when I slip... damn that bastard got me. If I only hadn't had to explain to him or just made a run for it in the beginning I would probably had been in the game for more then the few minutes I was.


And Antonia who hadn't heard a word of our conversation got a big surprise when suddenly I start running with a NV2 after me as if it meant life of death.


Next time I'm not gonna miss the registration XP


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