You shall not be un-bikeable!

Finally done with a design or the blog that I can actually stand (^^)//


Today was a... strange day I guess. Started out a normal Thursday with English and then... No physics o.O Instead we went out taking pictures for Moa's cas as well as a bit of mine. If she post the pictures I'll put the good ones up ^^


Then the day continued! Lunch, Japanese, Swedish, and Business and Management. The only thing is that Antonia was going home early this weekend (meaning today), and for some reason I really didn't want to be alone. So I went with Magda to town since I still had stuff to buy, such as blue-tack and post-its. On the way to town, the lead to my gear brakes, gets stuck in the chain of the bike and completely stopped it from working. I refuse to have a non-working bike so we stand there trying to cut the lead with a scissor. It worked and my bikes works again (even thought I can't change gears anymore). A lot of people looked at us while standing there... either it was because we had a broken bike of that we spoke English... or maybe rather shouted English ^^'


But when I eventually starts biking home (still not wanting to be home alone) guess who I meet! Alexandra-senpai :D Turns out she lives in about the same direction as me so we walked and talked and stood still and talked for a while. Made me really happy meeting her and when I in the end got to the apartment it didn't matter that I was alone anymore. ^^


Haha, lamest line ever ” it didn't matter that I was alone anymore” I should almost follow it up with ”cause I knew that everyone that mattered loved me for who I was”, or whatever XD


Today I was drawing when I kinda messed up. And I was just about to press the delete button, when I realized there aren't any delete buttons in real life ^^'

Tomorrow, today, tonight?

Tomorrow flute lesson 1.0! I'm really excited actually, I'll get some CAS and it will most likely probably almost absolute be really fun!


Today I also fell asleep after coming home from school again, and I slept for three hours! Which is not a good thing! Now I won't be able to sleep during the night and will... not sleep... be tired... die...


So I'm staying up late to night! So I can sleep...


Very well, I finished drawing my of Linnéa just recently... But, well resemblance.... I dunno ^^' I'm scared of posting it somewhere cause sure it looks human but it doesn't look like Linnéa m(T_T)m


Also here is my CAS-blog for those who are interested, and the design takes forever to load.


Yey I'm a standard level physics student. And now during the physics lesson they are doing high level stuff. So now every lesson it pretty much goes down as this.

Me: Per-Erik, should I listen?
Per-Erik: bla bla bla
Me: Hey! Should I listen?
Per-Erik: No! You shouldn't listen.

Blubb blubb

Blubb blubb

This weekend I've been quite busy, washing windows with Magda. Earning money for Upcon! Speaking of Upcon, I would really like to dress up in some way, not like extreme (unless I have a great ides) but something. Problem is, I have no idea of what D:

Now we have a fan installed in the apartment! And... there was something I was thinking of. Yes! I promised Sofia I'll make her chocolate onigiri once she comes to Umeå, can't forget that!

Went to see the exhibition ”Hard rain” with our IB-fellows yesterday, interesting... But I'm still not going vegetarian ^^' Physics lab report for tomorrow, very almost really close to done!

Transverse flute, I'm playing it again. And I have an okey from Anita to help Barbro learn how to play it for Service.

Onigiri master!

Tomorrow I will be going home home, and I'll be bringing Magda! So in order of having something to eat on the bus I deiced to make onigiri and asked Magda if she wanted to see how it was done. So I, the master of riceball making was teaching Magda and Antonia in the noble art of onigiri making. It felt almost like a cooking show, there I stood with rice in my hand while Antonia and Magda watched every move I made \(>o<)/

We also watched a really funny episode from a Japanese TV-show. We laughed so horrible much X3

Magda: “well... is it warm o.O?”

Antonia: “IT'S IN BOILING WATER! Of course it's warm XD”


Japanese test back, 1 point from full score (AGAIN!). Today was a very weird day... Our school had this debate with 10 parties such as the Pirate party, the Sweden Democrats, the centrists, the left-wing party etc. And after that we would have school election! I found the debate really interesting and somewhat amusing. The Sweden Democrats was actually booed at in the beginning and never got quite a “real” round of applauds. And they threw dirt at each other quite ofter (not literary). The two parties I thought did best was the Green Party and the Pirate party.



And now! Basement-sorta-English-dude news!

Apparently, he now have found a bike (who someone threw away) without handles. So he is looking for a bike shop! He also won freshman of the year, and the price was a water pistol.

Maria out...



Read it outloud

Waka waka bang splat tick tick hash,
Caret quote back-tick dollar dollar dash,
Bang splat equal at dollar under-score,
Percent splat waka waka tilde number four,
Ampersand bracket bracket dot dot slash,
Vertical-bar curly-bracket comma comma

Lazy brain

Aurg!! Maria, you really have to study! Stop fooling around! No more Zelda, drawing, soots or anime until you've done some hardcore studying! No you can't go outside! Yes I I know it's raining, you still can't go outside. Just sit down and pull up the physics book and get that lazy brain of yours working!


Yepp, I really need to study. And I have pretty much wasted this whole day - -' Now, I'm going to do good stuff! Anyone else with a lazy brain? Recognize this?



You: I really need to get around to doing <whatever>.

Your Brain: Ugh.  That’s going to be really, really hard / painful / uncomfortable / whatever.

You: Yeah, I guess – hey, look, something new in my feed reader!  (distraction ensues)


Did you see what happened in that conversation?  Your brain set off that “but I don’t like this!” flag and you took it.  You let it distract you.  You obeyed. You were whipped, my friend.

Instead it should be more like:

You: I really need to get around to doing <whatever>.

Your Brain: Ugh.  That’s going to be really, really hard / painful / uncomfortable / whatever.

You: Yeah, I guess – hey, look, something new in my feed reader!  (distraction ensues)

You: I know.  But I really want this, and I’m going to do it.

Your Brain: But this is going to be really hard.

You: I know.  But I really want this, and I’m going to do it.

Your Brain: But this is going to be really, really hard.  And uncomfortable.  And –

You: I know.  But I really want this, and I’m going to do it. I’m tired of putting this off.

Your Brain: But –

You: Shut up.  I’m doing it.

See, here, you’re turning the tables.  You’re getting the last word in.  You’re consciously aware of the conversation, and you’re taking control over it instead of saying “Okay, I guess you’re right …”



By the way... No, I don't think I'm schizophrenic. No I don't think so either. See we all agree, We're not schizophrenic!



Back to school!

Back to school, awesome! I can't really stand being sick, so little energy to act weird. And it's soooooo boring. But now, I'm back! The physics, I haven't missed that much... But now there is a new enemy entering the play field. An enemy of Physics and smart students! The extra teacher thingie! And before the physics lesson me and Anneli had a competition trying to see who could hold up out legs the longest. I WON! I had a katakana test... And well I read a katakana as a kanji but other then that it went quite well I think. And before the Business & management, in a completely dark room our teachers enters and says with a voice in class with Darth Wader. “Hello...” she had a cold so ^^'



Just though it was funny X3

Time to change!

I can't really stand when nothing happens, I get so easily bored. And that's why change is good ^^ Not to long ago I re-designed my blog from:


I have also changed my hair over the past year!


If only my hair wouldn't lose it's blue so fast D:
Change is good, but for now I want blue hair >__<

Mario Kart Bike edition!

When biking home today I noticed something wonderful! Someone had made a Mario cart course out of the bicycle path. Isn't that awesome! I really hope I can meet the person who did it just so I can say how cool it is! Now every time I'm going to town I'll be all like "Yey! star!" or "Dun dun dun, if you...".


Dunno why bust yesterday I really wanted to hug people! First I and Ronja hugged the newly met gang of really nice people who wasn't heterosexual. And then I dragged her to my place and then to Hamnmagasinet where I could get even more hugs from REALLY cool people (you know who you are). There I also made the cutest Harvest moon cow in beads :3 Ronja made Link, and Niklas made Ash. But the really impressive stuff was the dude Nils did!


And then off to Åsa after having rented Paprika, an anime thriller. It was a really weird movie, I liked it. But it was weird cause I sometimes kinda predicted what would happen, and after a while I was like “Why can I like predict this movie” and of course the answer “it's just as weird as you” makes sense! Then more hugging people ^^ And them batman movie... Not really a fan of that movie, I like the one with the penguin and the riddle. Think I'm going to re-watch them soon. Haven't seen them in a while :P


And it was also really nice sleeping over at Åsa, especially when you get a really tasty breakfast served with te and dark chocolate :3 Thanks everyone I had a ton of fun!

Umeå Pride!

I had a feeling that something weird would happen, firstly Ronja was in Umeå, secondly it was Pride, thirdly it was just one of those days. So I run to meet up with Ronja we run around town a bit and tries to get a hold of a pride flag.


“Excuse me where did you get that flag?”

“Oh they handed them out in the beginning”

“ :(“

“You can have mine :)”

“Thank you :D”

“Vote for the left-wing party!”



Then we ran around looking for “Pride bracelets” when we saw some girls with them. We talked to them and when they asked if we wanted to hang out for a while we did. Turns out they were all bisexual or homosexuals. And suddenly it escalated, while we sat there more and more people came and pretty much I was the only heterosexual. It was fun, there was a lot of nice and cool people and I hope I will meet them again. They were soo nice to me even though I wasn't gay. And Ronja did of course have a great time ;P


“Hi are you gay”


“Awesome to meet you”


“Who here is not gay o.O?`”

*raises hand*

“Okey, well I don't really have nothing really against heterosexual people”


Steampunk <3

Working on a new design on my blog, trying to make it steampunk styled. Steampunk is awesome! And now I'm finished watching Shangri la (anime), really recommend it! Oh, I borrowed the header from, you should check on the other there artworks as well. They are pretty cool ^^



Steampunk <3

Blue surprise waffles :D

Surprise photo:

To begin with, we had our class-photo today. A thing which Anita hadn't told us about. So suddenly it's like, photo time! And well, since we weren't prepared we just brought a bunch of books and went with the dork style.


Waffles & Blue hair:

So Magda was abducted to our place and forced into coloring my hair (not completely blue, but partially). We ate waffles, blueberry pie and had really fun. Even though Antonia was a bit grumpy to begin with. :P And my haircolor brand is "powered by fudge"!



So there is an English (sorta) guy living in our basement. And when coming back from saying buy to Magda he was like “Do you have any movies I can borrow for a while” I who for the moment had a clean room (amazing isn't it) said that he could come up and see what kind of movies I had. And then he kinda started talking a lot. He seems so lonely so I thought I keep him company for a while. His quite weird, but I don't really have anything against him. Except for the difficulty to have him stop taking without actually telling him to do so.



Another eventful day

Maria out...


This morning was in reality a chance for me to sleep, but no since I missed my laundry-day I had this idea that I would go up early to do the laundry before school. But my landlady was using it D: School was quite normal, played a little don't touch the floor(by myself) before the physics and only had a 20 minutes lunch.


Then suddenly, after school! Me and Anneli join forces heading to town and once parting with her I see this guy, with brown hair, black jeans, black converse and a gray hoodie. WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE NIKLAS! A doppelganger! Seriously, same hairstyle, hair color , like exactly same clothes. Course the face wasn't the same and he was wearing glasses! Like a replica from behind @___@


And then I get back and Antonia is finished with her laundry so I start mine. When I later on go down to get it, suddenly there is this guy there who introduces himself in English o.O Apparently our landlady's son have now moved out and that guy now lives there. He is half danish and half Swedish if I can remember correctly, but have been living in the UK for the past 15 years.


Then when I run up to tell Antonia this astonishing news, she is SLEEPING! And she continues to do so until like half past 9 in the evening. Then finally she comes out. And is like “I'm tired”. How can she sleep that much. Then when I tell the extremely tired Antonia “There is an English-speaking guy living in the basement!” suddenly she is wide awake and smartly says “Then maybe we shouldn't be talking English in case he hears us...”


So summing up, doppelganger, Basement-guy, person who can sleep infinitive amounts.


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