Quote of the day

Graffiti is pretty cool stuff

Yesterday some people were drawing graffiti on plank in town (with permission... probably). And I really think graffiti is pretty cool, at least when you like do stuff and not only tags. I would really like to try out graffiti at least once, which I hopefully will have a chance to do... the legal way ^^'



Cool stuff right!

Youtube is great ^^

One of my favorite Youtubers ^^

And recently I also discovered this one ^^

Weeee, Youtube :D

Anime anyone?


Not to long ago I sent a list of anime to my Alexandra whom only had watched like... 3 animes. Thought I'll also share the list to who ever wish to see it!



Death note:

A great anime filled with smartness and awesomeness that will blow your mind!


Higurashi no Naku Koro ni:

Very morbid and grotesque (so awesome o(>.<)o)

Ghost Hunt:

Spooky, a little creepy and scary (so nice ^-^ )

Jigoku Shoujo:
Deadly curses, scary, awesome murder girl ^^

Highschool of the Dead:
ZOMBIES!!!! But sadly there is to much fanservice o(T.T)o

Fate/stay night:

Magicians, fighting over the holy grail. How can one resist!?


Sci-fi! Contains an awesome bad-ass rebel leader girl!

Azumanga Daioh:

The funniest and most random anime ever.(YOU MUST SEE IT!!!)

Kimi ni Todoke:

Well... it's a Shojo anime ^^' I usually don't like them but this one is just so horrible cute >_<

Kaichō wa Maid-sama!:

Yet another Shojo anime (feels like I'm starting to contradict myself), but it's a hilarious one so it's okay ^^


Pa paa pa paa panda nekoo

I'm finally finished with my amigurumi that I started doing on... Wednesday? Tuesday? Can't quite remember ^^' Anyway today I went to Hamnmagasinet to stuff it and hang out with peeps. Åsa-sempai surprised me a bit by bringing a pumpkin, but it was nice to see an "alive" pumpkin for once. Then there was this shush shush meeting about some festival with movies in the roof that Åsa apparently have applied me as slave to. Well, well, I get Service for it (and it's probably really fun). Also the shush shush meeting was held in a tent in Broparken, awesome! Then we ate a lot of delicious pastrys and simply were weird together. Drew on each others faces (no penises actually) and drew and... talked...

Note to self:

  • Learn the "Panda neko" dance + song

  • Learn the "How I met your mother" car alarm

I want ear earmuffs or puffs or whatever you call them!

I wanna learn to make Amigurumis!!!

First when I heard of amigurumis I wasn't to interested but after looking at some examples I realize I really wanna learn how to do it!!! I mean they are so adorable, they make awesome gifts and I would get Creativity for it! Also there is a workshop this week so I can get help to begin! Hopefully I can make Åsa-senpai and Alex-senpai come as well. Here are some awesome examples of amigurumis that I wanna learn how to make!

Cuteness overload

Being blue is hard work!

So yesterday I dressed up as a blue person for Priscilla's and David's Halloween party. It was really fun to see peoples reactions but after a while I started to flake off and started to look like some kind of lizard that was getting a new skin.


Step 1.

Blue hair

Step 2.


Step 3.

Chatroulette (hilarious)




Step 4.

Halloween party :D

There was a bunch of different ideas on what I was. I heard stuff like a Teletabi, blue blob, blue girl from X-men, the blue lagoon and Elvira blåtira.

I really like this web-comic!

"Today was going to be just one of those days... you know, full of zombies"



"The ´Bunny didn't think this would ever really be settled..."



"The Bunny thought the swedish ambassador looked like it's cousin..."



"Always climb with a buddy. Someone has to remember all the embarassing details"


I wanna read it!

I made halloween cupcakes ☆∩o∩☆

Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!

Supervillan... again?

Okey, I ended up wearing a costume for school anyway. Felt so dull doing nothing and it's the same costume I wore last year so it's not like it's hard work. Now to take over the school with my charm and weirdness, after today everyone shall be happy for a week!



Oh yeah Moa and Kristoffer also dressed up ^^

Moa as Lady Gaga and kristoffer as David Bowie

Unicorns and rainbows

Just felt like bringing up rainbows ^^

Nya ^^

A lot has happened... I'm awesome! Here is a cute video :D

Or not, since I apearently can't post videos on my blog anymore. FML

Östersund once again!

Friday! Taking the bus at 06:55 (”¬_¬) and then back to Östersund! I ate lunch with Sofia ^^ Whom is currently trying to save a rat called Pervo from a horrible faith. Then I met Alexandra and some Dille-people! And I got a keyring! And she got her birthday gift... that she then forgot in my backpack so I'm gonna have to give it to her again (>x<!)


Saturday! Hanging with Ronja! Talking about Pokémon making apple pie and watching a gruesome horror movie. To then take a loooooooooooong walk in the forest. Oh yeah, I gave her some magic power ups. She was happy (^-^)V I would really like to buy Pokémon FireRed now...


Pictures of the amazing things in found in an Östersund store when I have the cable to the phone!

Beginning of a long weekend :D

Okay! Thursday was super fun! To bad some couldn't show. Still it was a bunch of nice people and we played some card games danced Jenka, and had a generally great time. “Hej knekt” quickly turned violent in the fight for the aces thought. At least when I was me against Alexandra senpai. Priscilla's friend Andrea hit me with a book and everyone hugged each other when saying goodbye. Something that was really funny thought was when I and Alexandra senpai said goodbye to Fransie. First I get a hug and we hear a cheer from a crowd not to far away. Then when Alexandra and Fransie hugs each other I see a colorful big balloon thing thing flowing thought the air from the direction of the cheer. I point at it and scared both Fransie and Alexandra who imagine that I'm pointing at a murderer or something like that. While I really just wanted to say “Lookie lookie! An awesome balloon thing!” XD


Also my forehead hurt a bit after “Hej knekt” since I always do the salute way to hard ^^'


Antonia: Slå mig i huvudet istället, det är åtminstone vadderat!

Magda: *Slår Antonia i huvudet*

Broken glasses and waffles.

I followed Åsa to... some glasses store after school and then went and bought stuff. Cause today is waffle day :D Yes, I know it's the cinnamon bun day. But no! We shall resist! Instead Magda and I ate waffles with whip cream berries and jam. Drank Oboy and ate chips with dip... it was quite tasty but I never think I will get the thing about having dip with chips... We also studied some Japanese and took a walk/longboarding in the Autumn evening. Very awesome. I really like these kind of days. Oh right! Magda also colored my hair again which kinda was the whole purpose with the waffles and stuff. Tomorrow school! YOSHA!

Picture perfect

Remember that this Thursday we had no physics and took pictures fro Moa's cas instead? Well here they are, photos :D

Find more at Moa's blog :D

Awesome music!

Okey so yesterday I was at Hamnmagasinet to listen to a “concert”. Pretty much just local bands playing. So in the beginning you were like “Oh, I like this band. They are cool”, “Meh, it's okay”, “Not gonna listen to this band...” and then suddenly “MIND BLOW!” Night skies were freaking A-WESOME! It was like, you couldn't believe that weren't famous, something like that. It was really fun! And I'm definitely going to go next time they play and get autographs from all of them!

Onigiri master!

Tomorrow I will be going home home, and I'll be bringing Magda! So in order of having something to eat on the bus I deiced to make onigiri and asked Magda if she wanted to see how it was done. So I, the master of riceball making was teaching Magda and Antonia in the noble art of onigiri making. It felt almost like a cooking show, there I stood with rice in my hand while Antonia and Magda watched every move I made \(>o<)/

We also watched a really funny episode from a Japanese TV-show. We laughed so horrible much X3

Magda: “well... is it warm o.O?”

Antonia: “IT'S IN BOILING WATER! Of course it's warm XD”

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