Back to school!

Back to school, awesome! I can't really stand being sick, so little energy to act weird. And it's soooooo boring. But now, I'm back! The physics, I haven't missed that much... But now there is a new enemy entering the play field. An enemy of Physics and smart students! The extra teacher thingie! And before the physics lesson me and Anneli had a competition trying to see who could hold up out legs the longest. I WON! I had a katakana test... And well I read a katakana as a kanji but other then that it went quite well I think. And before the Business & management, in a completely dark room our teachers enters and says with a voice in class with Darth Wader. “Hello...” she had a cold so ^^'


Just though it was funny X3

Mario Kart Bike edition!

When biking home today I noticed something wonderful! Someone had made a Mario cart course out of the bicycle path. Isn't that awesome! I really hope I can meet the person who did it just so I can say how cool it is! Now every time I'm going to town I'll be all like "Yey! star!" or "Dun dun dun, if you...".


Dunno why bust yesterday I really wanted to hug people! First I and Ronja hugged the newly met gang of really nice people who wasn't heterosexual. And then I dragged her to my place and then to Hamnmagasinet where I could get even more hugs from REALLY cool people (you know who you are). There I also made the cutest Harvest moon cow in beads :3 Ronja made Link, and Niklas made Ash. But the really impressive stuff was the dude Nils did!


And then off to Åsa after having rented Paprika, an anime thriller. It was a really weird movie, I liked it. But it was weird cause I sometimes kinda predicted what would happen, and after a while I was like “Why can I like predict this movie” and of course the answer “it's just as weird as you” makes sense! Then more hugging people ^^ And them batman movie... Not really a fan of that movie, I like the one with the penguin and the riddle. Think I'm going to re-watch them soon. Haven't seen them in a while :P


And it was also really nice sleeping over at Åsa, especially when you get a really tasty breakfast served with te and dark chocolate :3 Thanks everyone I had a ton of fun!


Wooop! Today we introduces our global spa in the Business and management class, and to a certain idea of advertising that we had forgotten to mention to Antonia making her being like “WHAT!?” in the middle or the presentation ^^' and Japanese memory during the Japanese lesson. IB1 v.s SAM, those darn SAM people won but we have all the knowledge! Makes any sense?




Then after school I headed to Hamnmagasinet with Åsa-senpai. Ate a tasty toast for dinner, was introduces to some cool people and got taught in the noble art or Mahjong. It was really funny! Especially when I notice that they also was fans of “Highschool of the dead” which is a ongoing Zombie-anime that I absolutely love <3




And it seems Ronja is coming here on Friday so I can hang out with her on like Saturday! :D For those who doesn't know, she is an old childhood friend from Östersund. So happy, it will be so fun!

Sunset park!

Sunset park was fun ^^ It's just to bad it's quite cold outside. Åsa-senpai was really smart to bring a blanket. And then we forced Niklas to bring another blanket and had a really cozy time listening to music while sitting in the park swept in blankets. And then we walked around looking like a wall continuously swept in blankets. It was the most funny when it started raining and suddenly there was an umbrella as well! So then it looked like a cute little blanket roll with a umbrella ^^ In the end there was a quite good band that played whit a really funny violist. Afterwards me and Åsa went and asked him for an autograph (that we got) and then we got to go backstage to get autographs from the others in the band. Yey, free backstage pass ;D

Also we went to hamnmagasiet when it got to cold. I ordered a hot chocolate the thing was that the nozzle to the heating thing fell in my chocolate. And then I got a second hot chocolate for free ^^


Nostalgia friday

Fridays are always so nice ^^ Spent some time with Niklas in town before going to Åsa for a gaming night/ movie night with lots of other awesome people. I myself think I got quite good at Soul Calibur 2, while Mario cart... not so much ^^' Then we watched the beauty and the beast, a movie I haven't actually seen before. Must be admitted it's a really good Disney movie. It is hard to put the finger on what makes it so good, but still it's great. We kinda did like a nostalgia trip by watching the intros to a huge amount of old cartoons and children shows that we watched when we were, that's right, kids! But for today I'll study and then go to Sunset park to see if there is any good music. Now time for Japanese!


Onigiri, Zelda and school

Once again, school have started! And today I think I am the only one who doesn't have a free period. I have five lessons, five! English, Physics, Japanese, Swedish + business and management. Japanese once again, I've forgotten sooo much D: And now we are having mixed classes with the step 3 people as well. And business and management was awesome, it was really fun sitting there planning our own spa. Reminded me a bit about when I calculated the cheapest price of going to Japan a week. Anyway, my awesome Åsa-senpai borrowed me Zelda wind waker (SO HAPPY :D) only thing is that I need a memory card so save my game... And today I have also been making onigiri as lunch for tomorrow ^^ I haven't done it in such a long time that I got really excited and did like three flavors. Now I'm going to try talking to my parents a bit.


Feels kinda great to be back at school at the same time it feels like you never had summer holiday ^^'

Storsjöyran :D


AWESOME PEOPLE!!! Carousels! Hugs! Music! Super sweet weird food! People everywhere, flashing lights, hello to you to! Constantly running around presenting yourself to people you may never see again and people you will definitely see again. A random guy falling in the stairs, you laugh at him and he makes the face of a cat and disappears. You can't talk over the loud music and communicate by using a cellphone. You wanna go in the jumping castle but a lady tells you you're to old, you walk away talking about how young you are at heart. You are starting to form the perfect plan! Involving climbing into the area in a suit with the mission impossible theme playing. As well as disarming the woman who told said you were to old and then taking the jumping castle as a fortress!

”I know that person... I don't like him.”

”I'm not that kind of person that becomes thirsty”

”Hello!” (not knowing the person) ”...Hi!”


P.S I waz wearing the most awesome hat ewer.

Updating my room

Spotify on a highest volume, dust bunnies flying all around me and not a single spot of my floor is viewable. It's Cleaning/update time! Okey, so the last year I have hardly spent any time in my room. So when I'm home again it feels weird... This because my room/rooms are ewer-changing, and now when it's been the same (not adding or deleting anything) it feels like an old copy of me. So I'm upgrading it ^^ Cleaning and taking away/adding stuff. It's not like a complete make over (it never is) it's just changing little things. And gradually changing it into a place where you feel at home, more at home then anywhere else. So It was a while since I gone through my room and I seem to find the weirdest stuff. I never thought a fishbowl could hold so much stuff hidden O.O And how on earth did I get a hold of my brothers brushes when he guards them like a dragon! More cleaning tomorrow and then I'm off to hang out with the Master of Kirbys, DUN DUN! It's Alexandra, she is finally of work, after 5 weeks of HORSES D:

Strawberry >.<

So Umeå ^^ The suns been shining... resulting in me getting a sunburn. Yepp, a sunBURN! I look like a strawberry >_____< These past days have been awesome, with awesome people and awesome things. It's only a bit sad that some of my dear future IB1 classmates are busy. I hope that Anneli does well in the competition and I want to wish Magda a happy birthday :D Today was a really nice and calm day and I did some catching up with Moa ^^ I have also done a lot of longboarding and I really missed it, living out in the bushes and all ^^' And just recently I took a walk outside and saw two hedgehog and a really cute snail ^^

Good day to you!

Yay, finaly both sunshine and weekend^^ Tomorrow I will start my last week of work and then I'm freeeee! Free I tell you! Yesterday was spent with Ronja and Rickard, we visited Jamtli (the local museum) and spoke to some more awesome people I know, and they knew. Jessica, Wendy, and a guy Ronja and Rickard knew. They are work there during the summer and have to dress up as characters from the past. So there they ran around looking like they were from the 1800 century or so saying things as “Good day miss” and as soon as someone else came close abandoned the subject we were talking about and uttered stuff as “I'm sorry but I have never heard of such things as a SMS miss”


And well, our internet broke down... even thought it now seems to be working again. Going to order an Nintendo DS today ^^

Na no kuni O.o

Studio Ghibli (株式会社スタジオジブリ)! Something I think I've mentioned a couple of times (or at least ones!) As the name implies its a studio, a studio who makes some of the greatest Japanese movies. No, actually they are actually some of the greatest movies in this word! My personal favorite would probably either Hauru no ugoku shiro (ハウルの動く城 ) or Spirited away (Sen to Chihiro Kamikakushi, 千と千尋の神隠し ) ^^ Anyway now it seems they won't just be making movies, but also a game :D The game is called 二ノ国 (Ni no Kuni) and is a RPG-game and will be available for Nintendo DS or PlayStation 3. I who doesn't have nor a PlayStation 3 or a Nintendo DS have already started to look for a Nintendo DS. Simply said I would really like to try this game (and I have thought about buying a DS many times). Sadly it won't be out until the 9th December... that's so long...



I get kidnapped a lot it would seem, but it's voluntarily so it's okay ^^ Spend midsummer with Sofia ! We rented three movies, The Countess, 9 and Gake no ue no Ponyo :3 I really love all Studio Ghibli movies (in which category Gake no ue no Ponyo into). Played some Kubb and badminton, where I let her win to make her happy...erm...


Sofia: Poke *poke*

Me: POOKE! *poke*

Sofia: Megapoke! *poke*

Me: Ultrapoke! *poke*

Sofia: ...Poke! *poke*


Poke! It beats ewerything :P


And today we also went to Jessicas place :3 Played Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, never played it before so guess if it went well ^^'


Jessica: You can change music if you want to

Me: *Goes to the computer and shakes the computer mouse, the screen doesn't light up...* How does it work?

Sofia: You gotta press the screen.

Me: *Pokes the middle of the screen*

Sofia: Not like th... *Screen lights up*


Next time your screen doesn't work, poke it in the belly :P


And then we played Kubb again, this time we first teamed up against the only guy present. Trust me he lost. Second time, him and Jessica against me and Sofia... we lost... Anyway awesome to meet everyone and I had a great time ^^

Master of Kirbys!

I excuse my absence but I must tell you that I was kidnapped by the master of Kirbys, also called Alexandra! But that was only over the weekend, it tuned out to be very cozy, even thought there is to many horses at that place :P We spend pretty much the whole time watching Grey's anatomy, a series that I'm not really a fan of but neither do I hate it. She also gave me my delayed birthday gift, an upside-down book and SOUPBUBBLES :D She knows me very well ^^ Now I just have to find an equally awesome gift for her birthday.


I can't believe I'm watching Dr.Who and is liking it... I'm such a nerd. But how could you possible refuse British English, aliens, weird stories, bad special effects and a Phone both-spaceship :D

UK is weird

Test your knowledge on the UK! Kinda funny facts, scored 2/5 the first time I tried it. Hope you do better ( I actually really hope you fail so I would seem super smart)


Geeky is good!

Finally summer vacation (ignoring the fact that I'm working), no more homework (ignoring the 11chapthers of math). Now I can finally bury myself in Manga, Anime, Video-games and Japanese as the true Japan-geek I am. Now I have watched the end of the anime jigoku shojo and plan on moving on to the anime ”Gungrave”, hope it's morbid. Can't help to like morbid stuff :3 And really there isn't anything bad about being a geek as long as you aren't an unsocial one ^^ Well for those fellow geeks who also likes manga here is my top 5 list of mangas that I like!

Top 5 mangas (that I still can remember ^^')

  1. Death note

  2. Code Breaker
  3. One Piece
  4. Mx0
  5. Silvery Crow

And today's newscast, an adopted girl thought her mother was taking her to an vacation in Gambia but was then left there... (read the article here)

Unannounced and welcome ^^

Guess who showed up. Ronja :D Unannounced, but what the hell. She brought my birthday present ( a awesome belt) so she is so welcome. I was just setting up Zelda twilight princess and she helped me play a bit ^^


Ronja's gaming tips for me playing Zelda twilight princess

  1. Don't die!

  2. The C-button is your friend. Use your friend!

  3. Always finish the room you are in. You DON'T want to go back!

  4. Don't jumpt in the plant!

  5. Don't kill the monkeys, they are your friends!

  6. Follow the monkeys.

Always look on the bright side of life

Hallelujah, soon summer vacation :D


Yesterday we had an rounders tournament. We were PIB=VIP and all dressed up as suit-people. You know, white shirt, black tie. In my case a hat as well. Just a bit unfair. We like the laziest class in school had to meet two soccer-classes. But we did win against the Sam-people :3 Probably thanks to our Austrians, Jedd and Neal. And it was really fun to bully the bad losers in the soccer class. To bad we didn't sing always look on the bright side of life though XD


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