May guilt help you survive!

I was thinking about the TOK earlier today. About what defines a human being. And after giving it some thought I felt that what makes us human is not our tendency to classify things in right and wrong, the fact that we build houses or play music. It's our feeling of guilt. Guilt fill no purpose in surviving or carry on your genes to a next generation. Is it simply a feeling we've created fro ourselves? Or does it actually fill some kind of purpose. If anyone knows plez tell me.


Super conductivity ROCKS!

We have finally started playing! Let me present on drums... FRANZI! On guitar... ÅSA! As vocalist and basis... Maria … >_< In the end we decided to call ourselves “Super conductivity” and even started pulling lame (and funny) physics jokes while practicing. From now on, every Monday is jamming time. I am going to by a bass and I have (almost) decided on what kind to buy. I have the money I just need to make up my mind.


The first song that we are learning to play is Zombie by The Cranberries. The bass line in it is quite easy but I still have a bit of a problem singing and playing at the same time. Especially when I don't know the lyric. So right now I'm learning them very dedicated. It's pretty much been playing over and over again from my compute of phone since yesterday (Monday).





Östersund people in Umeå

CAS time= play time

I'm kinda looking forward to CAS time nowadays cause you soon came to the understanding that it is the time when you can do whatever you want (almost) and no one will care. The past few times I've been spending pushing or riding an office chair with wheels up and down the corridors. Otherwise I kinda just jump around or play with the computer. Ah, CAS time, the time when I can torture other people with weirdness and get away with it!

9, 10, Never Sleep Again

Initializing plan “now I'm fucking going to sleep!”

Since school started again, I have not been able to fall asleep before 02:00. Which results in me, being really really really tired at school and in the morning. But... when I get home I'm only tired for a short while and then BING! Wide awake, filled with energy, not at all tired. But today! I shall get my long awaited sleep (not dying!) by well, taking a walk, not being hungry nor completely full, drunken enough water, have a room swept in darkness, go to bed early, read boring book (Swedish or B&M), not sing, do the dishes or anything active when not being able to sleep. If this doesn't work I'm really going to become hysterical.

Only the good things...

Funny things haz happened, great things! Wonderful things! I've finally seen Scott Pilgrim vs. The world! Great movie, it really speaks to the geek inside you. Me and Magda had waffle night, and then we went off the map (see Magda's blog for more details). I'm really bad at this explaining thing right now. Today, I spent the morning in ZOMBIE-MODE and then went to the hacker space to study with Åsa. Japanese and BUSH ✔, I have just recently done the dishes, (it's 01:30) and for some reason I'm still not tired. Oh and also... Where could Antonia be... I just hope she hasn't taken the forest path to go to grandma. If so I hope she left a trey of white stones behind her. Moa back in school tomorrow, Yay!


P.S note to the headline, some of the good things, not all of them, but none of the bad.


Love at first sight o.O?

Homemade cheesy movie moment when guy sees girl and falls instantly in love. Personally I think this clip is hilarious cause each time it just makes me think "What the hell am I doing!?"


Some things will never happen...

Just like a pineapple boy throwing a package in the sea  O(T_T)O

I went to Alexandra's place!

Read title (my Alexandra not Alex-Sempai) ! And we played a few games and had a lot of fun. And on Friday we went to a dance, to well dance. I had quite fun talking to the good people of my high school days and ignoring the ones I did not like. I danced with a couple of guys whom I hadn't known before, whereas I were able to start a kinda funny conversation by stating “You're tall” he laughed ^^ But, another one of those unknown guys did quite the opposite, he started texting... kinda just ignoring me. I got freaking pissed and considering stomping on his toes which wouldn't have done much damage considering that he was wearing shoes while I wasn't.


Alexandra on the other hand only danced with two people. Richard and the dude that she is newly in love with... A dude who was in Japan for 2 weeks and still only can “I don't know Japanese” in very very poor Japanese -.- *Sigh*


Now, let me present... The kiwi!!




I want this >w<

If I had this, I might actually save my spare change!

Achieving your dreams

I wish this was a bumper car O.O

So I was out with my dad practicing driving... on a road... with other cars... AAAAAAH D: I'm okay at driving. You might even say I'm good at it. Unless I have to slow down, gear down, dip the lights, put the blinkers on, stop the car and look at the road at the same fucking time!!! Oh, and look at the other cars, bypasses and wildlife there might be. Other cars are never as scary as when you are driving T_T


Getting ready in the morning

I need to learn this skill! With a few alterations and I could wake up 5 minutes before the bus left o(^-^)V

7 days... left...

Went to Ronja's place to play video games and hang out :D Oh and we made pizza! The only bad ting is that, well it's Ronja's games, therefore she keep kicking my ass in them. Or actually I usually win in the beginning (before she gets her game on!) and then SMASH! And she is a bad winner... We also played magic (magic is a sort of card game) where as she has like, 1 kg of magic cards or more D: That is like several thousands right there! Alright new plan in case of low on cash, sneak in to Ronja's house and steal her magic cards, then exchange then for a bass. Mission completed!





Guess what I did!? Guess what I did!? Is what I want to say but no... Guess what I had? An awesome time, yes indeed! New year was simply put, AWESOME, SPLENDID AND LEGENDARY!


For me, this was the first new year I did NOT spend with my family. Instead a couple of my class mates... & David... Got together and ate a fancy dinner, before heading down to townie.


When leaving McDonald (yes sadly we ended up there) we played David a little prank. Run and hide O(^w^)V But it seems I messed it up by well, showing up before Priscilla had a chance to make some kind of epic answer to his phone call. Sowwie o(^_^')o


We then got free candy, Wiiieeeee! To then meet up with like everyone I have ever been introduced to in Umeå. It was wonderful, there were familiar faces everywhere, people hugging, smiling and well... drinking.


Then there were the fireworks, the best I've ever seen! (Considering that the ones before have been the product of one tiny village work, I'm kinda easy to impress).


We then moved on to dancing New Year Jenka (which we had just made up) on square the and then moved on to “stealing” a Santa's little helper.


Then, after-party (do you really call it that?), which is when it all became black. No, just kidding. It was a lot of fun and a great ending of a legendary start of a new year.


Oh yeah, and my New Year's resolution for this year, and also my first New Year's resolution is to learn how to play bass. And I mean, really learn how to play it ^^




P.S. This new year, don't call it two thousand and eleven, don't call it twenty eleven... You shall call it ELEVEN!


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