Na no kuni O.o

Studio Ghibli (株式会社スタジオジブリ)! Something I think I've mentioned a couple of times (or at least ones!) As the name implies its a studio, a studio who makes some of the greatest Japanese movies. No, actually they are actually some of the greatest movies in this word! My personal favorite would probably either Hauru no ugoku shiro (ハウルの動く城 ) or Spirited away (Sen to Chihiro Kamikakushi, 千と千尋の神隠し ) ^^ Anyway now it seems they won't just be making movies, but also a game :D The game is called 二ノ国 (Ni no Kuni) and is a RPG-game and will be available for Nintendo DS or PlayStation 3. I who doesn't have nor a PlayStation 3 or a Nintendo DS have already started to look for a Nintendo DS. Simply said I would really like to try this game (and I have thought about buying a DS many times). Sadly it won't be out until the 9th December... that's so long...


Hello Ground!

Our internet suddenly stopped working yesterday! What is it with me and a non-working internet D: Well it's back now. Not that much have happened, since well, it's only been two days, and in two days not much happens if you are working. At least not if you are working with the same thing as me... But surprisingly enough they played good music on the radio yesterday (Y), they played among others quite good songs (and not the usual mainstream popmusic) “Smells like teen spirit” by Nirvana and “Cornerstone” by Arctic Monkeys. And today, no new except that instead of radio I'm listening to the English version of “The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy”, and there is a good chance it will be my new favorite book/book-series.


A need-to-read awesome quote from the book!


It is important to note that suddenly, and against all probability, a Sperm Whale had been called into existence, several miles above the surface of an alien planet and since this is not a naturally tenable position for a whale, this innocent creature had very little time to come to terms with its identity. This is what it thought, as it fell:

The Whale: Ahhh! Woooh! What's happening? Who am I? Why am I here? What's my purpose in life? What do I mean by who am I? Okay okay, calm down calm down get a grip now. Ooh, this is an interesting sensation. What is it? Its a sort of tingling in my... well I suppose I better start finding names for things. Lets call it a... tail! Yeah! Tail! And hey, what's this roaring sound, whooshing past what I'm suddenly gonna call my head? Wind! Is that a good name? It'll do. Yeah, this is really exciting. I'm dizzy with anticipation! Or is it the wind? There's an awful lot of that now isn't it? And what's this thing coming toward me very fast? So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like 'Ow', 'Ownge', 'Round', 'Ground'! That's it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello Ground!


I get kidnapped a lot it would seem, but it's voluntarily so it's okay ^^ Spend midsummer with Sofia ! We rented three movies, The Countess, 9 and Gake no ue no Ponyo :3 I really love all Studio Ghibli movies (in which category Gake no ue no Ponyo into). Played some Kubb and badminton, where I let her win to make her happy...erm...


Sofia: Poke *poke*

Me: POOKE! *poke*

Sofia: Megapoke! *poke*

Me: Ultrapoke! *poke*

Sofia: ...Poke! *poke*


Poke! It beats ewerything :P


And today we also went to Jessicas place :3 Played Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, never played it before so guess if it went well ^^'


Jessica: You can change music if you want to

Me: *Goes to the computer and shakes the computer mouse, the screen doesn't light up...* How does it work?

Sofia: You gotta press the screen.

Me: *Pokes the middle of the screen*

Sofia: Not like th... *Screen lights up*


Next time your screen doesn't work, poke it in the belly :P


And then we played Kubb again, this time we first teamed up against the only guy present. Trust me he lost. Second time, him and Jessica against me and Sofia... we lost... Anyway awesome to meet everyone and I had a great time ^^

The radio is evil

The radio seriously have something against me! These past few days, they had Darin, soccer and twilight themes stories all the time! I'm going nuts, I'm going more then nuts, I'm going brainwashed. My head will be filled with crappy pop-music, twilight, and Darin... OMG! I will turn into a fjortis D: The radio will poison my mind, but without it I will turn into a mindless zombie...


So... I guess I have to choose, Zombie or fjortis D: Why do I even pretend it's a hard chose, Zombie of course. Better guard your brains before I go Zombie on your asses :P

Warning for weird

This submission is dedicated to Moa, who as well as many other says that I always have weird computer backgrounds, so therefor this submission will be all about really spaced out pictures ^^



Master of Kirbys!

I excuse my absence but I must tell you that I was kidnapped by the master of Kirbys, also called Alexandra! But that was only over the weekend, it tuned out to be very cozy, even thought there is to many horses at that place :P We spend pretty much the whole time watching Grey's anatomy, a series that I'm not really a fan of but neither do I hate it. She also gave me my delayed birthday gift, an upside-down book and SOUPBUBBLES :D She knows me very well ^^ Now I just have to find an equally awesome gift for her birthday.


My brother figured out that there is about 5000 files, and I manage about 200 a day. I'm going to be stuck in this archive forever (25 days if you do the math) D: But hey works not that bad, today they gave us a creamy cake and we practically got paid to eat it since we get paid for each hour we work and for some reason you don't count cake-time like not working. They also handed out vacation-gifts for the ordinary workers only (or so I thought).


Boss: Maria.

Me: *sitting quietly* Thinking: Boy it would be award if I had stood up now, good thing I didn't just act on instinct. I wonder who else here is named Maria?

Boss: ...Maria

Everyone: *Quietly looking at me...*

Me: Thinking: I wonder if she's ill today or something

Mom (who works there): Maria! *looking at me*

Me: What? Me?


Turns out also the people working during the summer also got a gift, a jacket :P


On the way home I was sitting in the front seat of the car sleeping when a horrible nightmare wakes me up and I jump up looking terrified. My brother and my mom found it very amusing and I'm just happy I can't remember what I dreamed about.


I can't believe I'm watching Dr.Who and is liking it... I'm such a nerd. But how could you possible refuse British English, aliens, weird stories, bad special effects and a Phone both-spaceship :D

UK is weird

Test your knowledge on the UK! Kinda funny facts, scored 2/5 the first time I tried it. Hope you do better ( I actually really hope you fail so I would seem super smart)


Geeky is good!

Finally summer vacation (ignoring the fact that I'm working), no more homework (ignoring the 11chapthers of math). Now I can finally bury myself in Manga, Anime, Video-games and Japanese as the true Japan-geek I am. Now I have watched the end of the anime jigoku shojo and plan on moving on to the anime ”Gungrave”, hope it's morbid. Can't help to like morbid stuff :3 And really there isn't anything bad about being a geek as long as you aren't an unsocial one ^^ Well for those fellow geeks who also likes manga here is my top 5 list of mangas that I like!

Top 5 mangas (that I still can remember ^^')

  1. Death note

  2. Code Breaker
  3. One Piece
  4. Mx0
  5. Silvery Crow

And today's newscast, an adopted girl thought her mother was taking her to an vacation in Gambia but was then left there... (read the article here)

193 files

first day of work... To begin with my family doesn't really consist of morning-people. Especially not my brother who makes the robot Marvin (from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy) seem jolly in comparison. So after trying to survive about half an hour of time before getting of to work, I just need to survive spending 8 hours and 30 minutes at work. So deadly boring. I'm making a record of the archive and today I noted 193 files. And this is just the tip of the iceberg!!! So from now I'm going to start reporting funny/weird/dramatic things I hear on the radio instead of the actual work I do ^^'


A man got killed by his lawnmower at a golf-course... Sorry don't have anything more for today ^^'

Unannounced and welcome ^^

Guess who showed up. Ronja :D Unannounced, but what the hell. She brought my birthday present ( a awesome belt) so she is so welcome. I was just setting up Zelda twilight princess and she helped me play a bit ^^


Ronja's gaming tips for me playing Zelda twilight princess

  1. Don't die!

  2. The C-button is your friend. Use your friend!

  3. Always finish the room you are in. You DON'T want to go back!

  4. Don't jumpt in the plant!

  5. Don't kill the monkeys, they are your friends!

  6. Follow the monkeys.

Horses and babies D:

Going to a place... a place filled with horses... where Alexandra is :D But trust me it's a strange place. Guess you could call it horse-high school... So first I helped/witnessed when Alexandra's horse got her horseshoes taken off and the people doing the un-shoeing had a baby with in a baby carriage with them.


Alexandra: Can you hold the horse for a while.

Me: Yeah sure.


You see I have no problem with horses. Since I been around them growing up I don't fear them, I don't love them either but I have no problem with them.


5 minutes later

*Baby crying*

un-shoeing people: Hey can you wag the baby a little bit.

Me: erm...okey... *tries to wagging the baby carriage*

*Baby crying*

un-shoeing people: *takes care of the baby*


Horses before children anytime!

Home :P

Kay, now I'm home... Östersund that is... not actually a tiny village outside of Östersund but anyway ^^ It feels great to be back and at the same time really sad since I won't go back to Umeå for at least 4 weeks. I just don't get that I can't just take the bike downtown to meet my classmates and other cool Umeå-people *sad face*. But it's still great to be home, some of my friends I haven't meet since before my birthday... which sucks... And I get to see my brother again and impress him with my mind-blowing rubrics cube knowledge. I had forgotten how soft my bed was and how damn nice it is not having to study exactly all the time.


Tomorrow I'm off to Alexandra's school to meet her there. She works at her school during the summer vacation so it's not that she hasn't ended yet. It's going to be great seeing her again.


Later Alligators :P


Today was “cleaning day” at school. Turns out we are pretty quick at cleaning and soon we went out to play Kubb instead of wasting our time inside. My team won of course, and then Anita came and gave us ice cream... huge amounts of ice cream :3 Later on I went to town with Tove and Antonia. We later on also met Anneli and we all went to Wayne's enjoying the weather. I'm just sad that there will be so many gone next year... I'm going to miss so many people T_T


Always look on the bright side of life

Hallelujah, soon summer vacation :D


Yesterday we had an rounders tournament. We were PIB=VIP and all dressed up as suit-people. You know, white shirt, black tie. In my case a hat as well. Just a bit unfair. We like the laziest class in school had to meet two soccer-classes. But we did win against the Sam-people :3 Probably thanks to our Austrians, Jedd and Neal. And it was really fun to bully the bad losers in the soccer class. To bad we didn't sing always look on the bright side of life though XD


Hatsune Miku

Warning, this is a very nerdy submission and my seem... to some people. Viewer discretion is advised

Niklas showed me this super speed song (the right one)! It seems like it's have been made in this really cool program called Vocaloid, which is pretty much a virtual voice. Which you can make sing different stuff... And well, her name is Hatsune Miku. Yes, they actually made a character who is like the ”singer” of Vocaloid. Anyway, for people interested check this out ^^


Extremely awesome

Yesterday was really fun. If you exclude the physic test you could say that it was better then really fun... more like extremely awesome... but it kinda also was extremely awesome :P After school I hit town with some classmates and then went to the picnic with a bunch of great people. It was really fun and have I turned out to be surprisingly good at rounders this years... since we played rounders after the picnic ^^ Now I'm prepared for Monday!


Then after the awesome picnic with awesome people I went back to the apartment where a Magda, Antonia and Tove was watching a horror movie. So I sneak in the house, quietly up the stair and jump in to room screaming. ”Whaah!!” Their reaction ”AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” XD So we watched the end of Bogie man and then played chatroulette. Thanks everybody for the greatest day in a long time. Oh and Magda cut my hair! Thank you for that ^^

Gulp... how?

Yesterday I went to the supermarket, which is a super normal thing to do. But today I was talking to Sofia on headset while shopping. SO FUNNY! People where always looking at me as if I was crazy like ”OMG! That girl is talking to herself! Crazy people D:” there was even an older woman who grabbed her grandchild and pulled her away from me ^^' Anyway, we talked about shoes among other things. I was buying a couple of like ballerina shoes-ish. Which by the way today gave me blisters... Anyway, she sent me a link on msn on a couple of shoes and today when I saw them I was like ”Gulp! Is that even possible to walk in o.O?”. Sure it looks good, but... maybe being able to walk would be considered... Well, in this time of proms and graduations I thought I would put up some pic of dresses shoes and stuff. Let me just say, this isn't necessarily dresses and stuff I think look nice... okey the dresses just look pretty funny XD


The cold that is the cold war...

Write an essay in a lesson... It's like impossible D: So we had gotten this task to write a history essay in one lesson about who or rather what country that was responsible for the Cold War. And I don't really think anyone was responsible for it... Well in the end I blamed the Americans... But I still feel like... seriously! One lesson! One essay! How does the IB-people cope o.O?


Tomorrow, Fairy tail project! Try to top my top-hat xD

Thursday, study study, physics test on Friday D:

Friday, physics test and then... and then... there is like noting more T_T (tears of joy)

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