
Going up at 4:45 tomorrow, me dislike!
Sitting on a buss for 6 hours, me dislike!
Finaly comming home...meh, efter 6 hours busstrip and to little sleep, I problebly won't care anyway.

New stuff :D

No math today, Yey!

Going shopping after school, Yay!

Last day of “real” school, Whoho!

History test...not so yey _ _'

Bought a couple of awesome shoes today! Converse for the win! I also bought some kind of weird green tea just to try out, taste like...tea O.O?

.                                    Me has gansta look o.O?


Random knowlege

315 words in the 1996 Webster’s dictionary were mispelled.

85% of men who die of heartattacks during intercourse, are found to have been cheating on their wives.

Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

A group of crows is called a murder.

A hard-boiled egg will spin. An uncooked or soft-boiled egg will not.

Time flies

Time! Time is the most important thing in the world. We don't have all the time in the world, but still we act as if we did. We waste countless hours watching TV, hanging on Facebook, playing pointless games on the computer, sitting in buses, trains and cars. Time when we could have done something more important, if it wasn't because we are so damn lazy! We already spend a third of our life sleeping and it would be good not to waste the rest of it. Yep, I'm gonna keep telling myself that while I watch some TV...

Chatroulette obsession!


Yesterday, Me Tove and Antonia rented three horror movies for a movie night. Guess what happened? We tried out Chatroulette and got hooked. We sat up all night long on Chatroulette, we never actually went to bed, I just happened to fall asleep around three or four. Woke up around half past five. Tove happened to fall asleep around six to eight o clock. And Antonia while me and Tove was watching a movie the next day...That would be today. You might think me drank alcohol since everything from last night is kinda blurry, but I'm quite sure it's because the lack of sleep. But now everything is back to normal, except for the fact that there is like a lot of dishes and that we all are very tired.

Mr. Independent


My brother really won't accept any help what so ever. So far I have only given him a map. And then he complained that my room was cold. But now I'm going to take advantage of he's mad skills, waffles for dinner. No wonder he got MVG in housecraft, do you say housecraft? I'm not quite sure, Swedish word= Hemkunskap. Anyways, WAFFLES :D


Eye, ear...FOOT?

Studying Japanese. Trying to remember the words for eye, ear, hand and so on. So I made a super-silly song out of it. It really sound like a children song. By the way, what kind of songs did your mother/fathers sing to you as a kid. My mother sang me like, Byssan lul, Kalinka malinka (Russian song), When the saints go marching in, Björnen sover. lots of others to. I especially like Kalinka malinka, and byssan lul :)

I found this lovely and creepy version of Byssan lul!

And whatever you don't don't check up Kalinka on YouTube, it's just a horde of old guys singing it. Totally ruined my beautiful version of it.

Surprise visitor...or?

Yesterday I talked to my brother on the phone. He was like ”I might visit you tomorrow, but I'm not sure” It wouldn't surprise we if he called me after school like ”I'm here now, where are you?” But now when I expect her to arrive I bet he won't. So Then it would be unexpected... I feel confusing. Meh, I still hope my brother comes today thought, even if he can be such a pain in the a** sometimes. I sometimes ask people with two siblings if they like them equal amount. They pretty much answer that they hate them equal amount. Now I guess I'm going to return to the Swedish lesson. Oh, by the way I might have mentioned this before but my bro lives 300kilometers from me so it's not like a 10 minutes walk.



Today our class was unusually ”Flum” a word without no real English equivalent even thought a translation site said it could be translated to ”fudge”. But I don't think so :P

So, new class mate^^ Australian accent and the first lesson it was like a circle around him. Why does that make me think of vultures? Anyways the last lesson we had math and after pretty much all people left or math teacher said to another guy in or class.


Math teacher: Isn't it good with another guy in the class?

Kristoffer: I don't know I hardly spoken to him

Math teacher: A guy comes into a class with fifteen girls and they are like "eeeeh!"

Me: But we was like that when Moa came to...(and we don't do "eeeh")

Math teacher: Watch out Kristoffer! There is a new roster in the hen house. Höh höh höh!



Today there is coming an Australian guy to join our class. When I think Australian guy, I think a really good looking surfer guy. But now I'm like thinking about what nerd he is so I won't have any expectations. Poor guy, this will be so aquard for him. It's like welcome to a class filled with girls and two guys who well, one who is grumpy and one who is like never there. I just hope he has a good personality, we have to many unsocial in our class already.


Cookies vs Fruit

Antonia bought apples and bananas...

I bought chocolate chip cookies...

I envied Antonia's fruit...

I think there is something wrong with me XD

People in town

Wandering around in town, dumdidum. And there is a cowboys looking middle aged guy standing on the town square playing very bad music pretty loudly. So we asked him if he was allowed to play music. After ”arguing” for a while he said ”bla, bla, bla” and gave us that ”Stupid teenagers” look. Bastard! I mean I was just asking, I didn't even say that he's music sucked and I mean there have to be a sound limit, so that people aren't like disturbed. Right? I'm not saying he crossed that line (if there is one) , I was just curios. Still are actually.


Then we asked people how to spell a word that can't be spelled. I'm serious, it's not possible to spell it. It just isn't! That is why you guys just have to wait to find out about the word for the day when I know how to spell it. Or find a you tube video with it.


By the way, that calculator cost like 1449 kr (that is 203,87 dollars, 134,26 pounds or 18446,85 yen) if you where to buy it anywhere. So, I better not lose it. Hail to the free calculator :3

Damn I feel ego, first picture of me on the blog XP


I should study... I really should. But I keep getting distracted, first it's food, then it's rubbers that's gone missing, then well, calculator :3



My life is normal....Or is it? When I think about it's like, I'm a 16 year old girl who has moved away from my parents, I go a program called IB, I live on the upper floor of my landlady's house, my landlady sometimes help me with chemistry. I mean... Is this normal?

It hit me today when I went downstairs to ask my landlady for a little help with some chemistry (since she is a Ex-chemistry teacher), sat in her kitchen watched her son spread honey on a sandwich while he asked me if my internet hadn't stopped working since last time he helped me with it. And it felt completely normal. Why aren't they complete strangers to me? Why do I end up having a conversation with our neighbor just like that? Sure, it's good and all, but how does it happen? I never planned to ”connect” with my landlady, her son, or our neighbor. It's strange how thing's can turn out. I wonder how it all will be when I graduate...


So I have done chemistry and baked pie today. Yay for pie^^

Overheating D:

Today, I installed a game on my cumputa. Spend like two hours making to make it work. And when I finally make it work, guess what happens? My laptop becomes overheated and shuts down!!! Tried it again and the same thing happens. So here I meet a crossroad, with three options.

1. Try to find a way to prevent the computer from overheating, and most likely destroying it in the proses.
2. Go study!! That is what I should do!
3. Whatever, let's facebook :D
4. Beat the computer in kickboxing.

Option nr1 of course just because I'm so darn stubborn. So I run down the stairs and ask my landlord for a small Phillips screwdriver after explaining what I'm going to use it for. Then I hurry upstairs again and start to dism
antle the laptop. Finally reacting the fan, dustbunnies D: Scary! How could there be so much dust in my computer? Putting it together. Yay no more overheating^^ I'm a freaking computergenius! Geek squad trow yourself in the wall!

Well once again going downstairs my landlady had left, but her old friend was still there. Since she was being puppy-sitter. And we have a very giving conversation about cleaning computers with vacuum cleaners, allergies and dogs. My landlords puppy is the cutest in the world right now, but I still love the old dog.

Who the hell is so stupid that instead of stopping the puppy from the ruining the computer takes a photo of it... Americans! (Don't take me seriously^^')

Tjoff, where did spring go?



Rigth now I have like 0 in money. Blow all of my money on the sport-holliday so I have to go by bike to school since I can't really do anything else. I was actually enjoying it, it was nice and reminded of spring. But then you wake up one morning and take a step outside the door. Tjoff, snow! And more SNOW! Where the hell did spring go? I really want spring, I want asphalt and green grass.


On the buss:

Antonia: Lookie!

Me: What?

Antonia: Over there?

Me: Where?

Antonia: There! It's green grass :)

Me: OMG!! It really is!


Okay, I know I said that I couldn't afford going with the buss, but that was a one time thing ;)

Update ^^'

How could I forget that I had a blog!! O:


Anyways, these past days have been quite fun. Even thought the one when I sat on a buss for 6 hours to get home wasn't that splendid. After I tried to get rid of my spotify commercial for free, using some kind of internettrick it turned into french _ _' So I have no idea what they are about. I understand one word, and that is spotify.


Spent yesterday in town with Sofia and Alexandra, but this afternoon I'm going to spend with my mom for some mother daughter quality time (trust me I don't know what it means either). So when I'm not out on glorious adventures I'm studying. Actually I should study a whole day... But I don't want to > <!! Back to the Japanese, English, physics, maths, chemistry, and Swedish.


Sayonara :P

Dreams go POOF!

I have weird habits, and even thought I do listen to my body it sometimes is very urological. For example yesterday. I didn't eat any dinner O.o Why? Well, I wasn't hungry...which actually is quite odd due to the fact that I didn't eat that much for lunch and only ate a couple of cookies when I came home. Trust me, I should be hungry...


And in the mornings, so weird. I never remember the first 10~15 minutes after I wake up. I never remember what woke me up or how the hell I manege to put my clothes on. There are several times that I have arrived at school thinking that I forgotten about something, but tada! It was in my pocket, backpack or other places. And I don't remember remembering it.


Also if I close of the alarm and fall asleep, I usually dream about stuff if I fall asleep in the morning. And then in the middle of the dream it just says ”POOF!” and suddenly I think. ”wait a minute! Shouldn't I be awake?” And wake up realizing I been sleeping for about 15 minutes since the alarm rang. The thing was that this morning it was like “POOF! Shouldn't I be awake?!” the thing was, it was 3 in the morning! And I almost rushed out of bed thinking I overslept. I guess we can say that I almost made a Magda ;P (intern joke).


Why facebook???

As usual I had nothing to write... so I was thinking research on a random subject! Dun dun! Facebook!


"It made dozens of papers and websites, including The Times, The Calgary Herald, and The Australian, which told its readers that "Facebook fixation harms student grades" and referred worried readers to a Sydney University-based group called "I want to sue Facebook if I fail university#

So facebooking give you bad grades...or does it really?

"There isn't a shred of evidence that Facebook is bad for young people. On the contrary, it's a wonderful thing that, with balance, helps them grow, helps their mental abilities develop and it should be encouraged," said Tapscott, the author of "Grown Up Digital."


Sigman (who also believe that Tv kills people) warned that people are becoming increasingly deprived of real face-to-face personal contact, which encourages 'cuddle chemicals' that make people feel warm and fuzzy and help prevent cancer, strokes, heart disease and dementia. Such cuddley molecules are absent in the type of bleak electronic communications found on Facebook. But not MySpace.

Nah, where is that fuzzy fealing? Myspace...? Is this a trick? Problebly beacuse acording to the website facebook increases the chance of catching cancer by up to 100%... Enough said.

Links=mushrooms :D

enough said

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