
Only one lesson today! Great if I had only known about it... Well going to "chemistry" wasn't that bad I guess. I have been practically studying the whole day. Physics, history and... okey that's it. But trust me, it ends up as a lot of physics and quite a lot of History as well. So what was our only lesson you might wonder, 日本ご (Japanese). listening comprehension, and of course I have a tendency to drift of ^^' Well, it still went well! And we got our final grades :D Also アレクサンドラ せんぱい (Alexandra Sempai) wrote me a paper filled with Japanese dramas. Guess who's going to nerd Japanese dramas during the summer vacation ;D

マクダレナ どうぞ!!!
And here are the dramas for those of you who might be interested ^^


  • Gokusen

  • Great teacher Onizuka

  • Tokyo Dogs

  • Zettai kareshi

  • Rookies

  • Youkan Club

  • (“Crow Zero”)

  • Brother Beat

  • Lovely Complex

  • Boss

  • Gachi Baka

  • Queens Classroom (jou no kyioshitso)

  • My boss my hero

  • Buzzer Beat

  • Tokyo Tower

  • Atanishi no danshi (?)

  • Nodame (Cantanbille)

Star wars underwear!

So, tonight there is ”Brännbollssyran” which is well... I dunno, I'm not going ^^' I think it would be fun, but I don't really know a lot of people who's going. And the major reason to me not going, the entree cost money... Money that I don't really have. But anyway today we had JAPANESE COURSE TEST! DUN DUN ! Which is kinda scary, but a lot shorter and easier the anticipated. Then we had ”A cup of Joe” to have like a goodbye to Jed, you know the Australian. After that me Antonia and Tove went to town, doing pretty much nothing ^^' There was one thing that happened thought. For some unknowns reason we passed by the male underwear section in H&M, Antonia pointed at some guy underwear with star wars motive on them and I say with quite a load voice:


”I wish there was star wars underwear for girls...to...” When I see Jedd together with Roland standing like 5 meters away. Passing by them Jedd says:

”I heard that” Great, now I have exposed my neediness on a whole new level!



Fairy tail project

Today was actually a quite funny day. Starting lessons at 10:30 which means sleeping as long as you want to, then English and rehearsing for Fairy tail project* the ugly duckling. Which was pretty funny with all kind of dancing and weird jokes :3 In one scene I was acting stand-in for one of the people who wasn't there and so I was suppose to be shot. Which had a sound effect...

”Can't I be shoot soon?” So I was shoot twice today :P


Then... Orienteering... we had a hardship just getting there. But really the orienteering didn't go to bad, I got two seven-pointers, meaning 18 controls. Then back to school again and studying Japanese with my せんぱい in the physiological cafe. And now studying Japanese at home... Damn I wish I was a super-smart person who learned stuff just by reading it through once D:


*Fairy tail project: The PIB's NV1's and the SP1's English project. To in one way preform a known fairy tail.

Kulturnatta (better late then never :P)

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while but I had a chemistry test today and I really needed to study for it. Also during the weekend there was ”Kulturnatta”. So I didn't really have time to blog then either... Anyway back to more recent events. Hrm... doesn't seem like a lot have happened since Kulturnatta^^' But yesterday I shipped my laundry day thinking that I need the time to study and I probably had enough clothes... Today I realized that I don't have as much clothes as I thought I did . So well see if I have to go dressed in I-don't-know-what on Monday or so.


Homesick T.T

Suddenly I just feel so depressed and home sick... I wonder if it have anything to do with the stress for all the upcoming tests or something else. Anyway, now I'm going to continue to study and and hope that tomorrow will be a good day. HOMESICK D:

Parrots. Rawwr!

Can absolutely not come up with anything to write today, so here is my horoscope :P


Parrots can be annoying as well as beautifully coloured. Rawwr! Parrots can be annoying as well as beautifully coloured. Rawwr! Rawwr! Parrots can be annoying as well as beautifully coloured. Rawwr! Walking to work in a clown costume can help you in your search for humility.


Go here to find out your horoscope for today.

Thank you o'holy math book for your guidance!

Math B course test tomorrow. No math lessons today, on the other hand there is physiological cafe, so we head there. Which was absolutely no help at all!!! So we end up getting ”help” from and older woman, who obviously didn't know any English. And explain everything in Swedish, after have had a year of math lessons on English both me and Tove are of course very confused. As soon as the woman leaves I decide to leave as well, I mean what is that point of staying in school if there's none to help me anyway. Get home, flips the matchbook open convinced that it won't help me... But it did, how can a math book be like a hundred times better at explaining then a teacher o.O?

There also seems to be something strange with our school, when it's winter you are close to freezing to death in our damn school building that's so freaking cold. And now when it's 27 Celsius and sunshine outside, the school is still like a refrigerator. So you sit there in your T-shirt and three quarters pants, trying to focus even though you just want to pull a blanket over your head and wait for the North Pole to melt.

こわい kowai

Seems that I always write about stuff the day after, and so even this time. Yesterday I spend the late evening watching anime with my sempais and their friends etc. To begin with, I had no Idea where Åsa lived so I had to google it, turns out... It's on the other side of town!!! Since it was so incredible warm I decided to take my worn-out summer shoes. The thing is that these shoes are chafing and so I decided to put them on the luggage carrier of the bike, so that I at least would be more comfortable on my way there. On my way, I drop a shoe. So when I arrive...


”Don't you have any shoes?”

”... I have one shoe ^^'”

Then we watched an awesome anime that even though it's cartoon, was really scary! While eating bred-sticks, cookies, etc. When it's time for everyone to go home I realise that maybe it might have been a good idea to bring a jacket. The temperature has quite drastically decreased, and I'm dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. So Åsa borrowed me both shoes and and a jacket. ほんと に ありがと せんぱい!


And here is the intro of Ghost hunt, A.K.A the awesome anime :3


<object width="500" height="405"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eHaxcnHRJoc&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eHaxcnHRJoc&hl=en_US&fs=1&color1=0xe1600f&color2=0xfebd01&border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>

Bubbles :D

Soup bubbles are AWESOME!

Just wanted to tell you ;D

I'm swinging in the rain

So yesterday, I was sitting by the computer, when I heard a weird noise. “Is it a plane crossing the sky? Is it my landlady vacuum-cleaning downstairs? Or could it be that the wind is blowing sooo incredibly hard?” Turns out it was raining, and then I mean really raining, raining cats and dogs I would even say :D Then I notice that it's thundering, so I shut the computer off. What do you do when it's raining and you can't use the computer nor TV?

Go to play outside of course ^^


Life is good^^

There is something about me and being happy. People don't seem to understand me about this specific feeling. Almost every time I call my parents they say “You sound happy, I'm glad” and I'm not usually like “happy happy” more like normal “happy”. What I'm trying to say is that my normal mode is happy. And there for people always think I'm happy, even when I'm just normal... This is turning confusing :s

Anyway, I just wanted to say that today I'm happy :D Even though I should be worried end annoying about the upcoming test it's seems like it can't bring me down. The weather is wonderful, we didn't have any physics, I went to Waynes with Priscilla, Anneli, Moa and Linnea. And we have Thursday and Friday off. The only thing that could bring me down now would be like Tove's bag from today. It was seriously huge!

How hard could it be?

Damn how could the A course be so hard D: It was simple just a minute ago... Wait a minute? (turns out I was looking at a practising test for the B course ^^')


I wish something weird would happen, but it seem like if I want something to happen I have to make it happen myself. Sure I don't have anything against doing weird things as long as I enjoy doing it. But sometimes I just wish that I didn't have to do all the work.


And this will get stuck in your brain if you listen to it!


Room evolution

When I first moved in here, my room was well... very empty. There was like only the basic furniture. Only one madras (compared to now 2 ^^'), one uncomfortable pillow, a desk, shelfs, an uncomfortable chair (a person once said that my laundry basket was more comfortable then the chair) and a cabinet. By little by little this room has changed into a room where you can see that there lives someone with a personality. Which is awesome. Here is some before and after pictures of my room ^^

Before anything:

After a bit of... well, more stuff.

And how it looks right now

.                                     Much better then in the beginning, don't you agree ^^


Ice cream, soccer and the evil eye

Today I spent about, let's see now... Like 3 hours walking... and walking and walking. This because Tove, Antonia and I was going to see this soccer game where a team from Tove's home town (don't think it's big enough be a town but anyway). The thing was we believed that Tove would know where to go... She did not. Apparently she thought it would be Gamlia, since she didn't know where Dragon where. So we first bought Ice cream and then set of to Gamlia, when we arrived we realised that it was the wrong place. So we walked further in the excruciating heat, and when we passed by a convent store we decided to one again by some ice cream. So once again with an ice cream in our hands we continued our walk to Draggen.


When we finally arrive, we realise that we took the wrong turn and have to walk around the whole court to be able to get in (we were so pissed at this time that we several times considered climbing the fence). Then, we finally get a seat at the terrace and enjoy the game. It doesn't take long for us to notice that we are the only ones cheering on Jönssele while everyone else is cheering for Umeå.


*Jönssele scores*

Umeå fans: NOOOO!!!

We: YES!! *Applauding*

Umeå fans: *Giving us the evil eye*

Jönssele players: YE...wait there is people cheering for us o.O???

Smart kid :P

Today we had an awesome plan, at exactly 15:00 we would all to a funny face. Sitting there in the Chemistry lesson with one minute to go suddenly our teacher says:


Lasse: Okey, let's take a two minute brake.

The whole class: NOOOOOO!!!

Lasse: (ultimate confusion) don't you want a short brake?


And here is a funny video of a very smart kid for her age XD


Best of today

Me: Omg, I'm gonna fail this test! What the hell is riktningskoefficienten? What is it in English!?
Math teacher: Gradient.
Me: Oh... Why didn't you just say so!

Moa: Do you think I'm evil
Mr Science-guy: Yes!
Moa: ...why do you think I'm evil?
Mr Science-guy: Evil!? I don't think you are evil! I thought you said able. YOU ARE ABLE! ABLE TO GET A GOOD GRADE!

Contagious words D:

Lately it seem like stuff I hate is being absorbed by me. It is so damn annoying! I hate people that say “lol” in real life when they won't even laugh. It's like, if it really was funny you would laugh, not say lol! And just the other day, guess what I said “lol” (I laugh to, but still!!). I mean what is wrong with me?? Another thing I hate, when people ask how you feel being 17 (or whatever age you are). I mean are you suppose to feel different? Are you suppose to feel nuncios or something??? Today is my brothers birthday...


Me: Hi brother^^ Happy birthday. 21 years old, how does it feel?

Bro: It feel...

Me: WAIT! What did I just say?!




Dunno what happened to my so called humor, I have started to laugh at anything ^^'

Interviewer: So whats up on the agenda for today?

Girl: Going to the beach.

Interviewer: Oh, working on your tan there?

Girl: no... I'm black...

Hug.... And high five?

Yesterday, waz awesome! Sadly not everyone was there to enjoy it, shout out to Alexandra! Who is in Luleå trying out for Idol >.<!!! I'm so nervous for her sake, and shes not. Okay, reason for last night being awesome, Nälden dans gala. A ball which is quite big. In the end it was so packed with people that space that in the beginning had been dace floor just was a mess of people. I personally ran around dancing quite often. The thing is, after every dance it is a custom to hug each other and saying thank you for the dance. And I usually also asked them for a high five, which often makes them very astonished and confused. Why is that? It's just a high five, how hard could it be? I also danced with a horrible guy D: he really hold me so tight that I could hardly get any air, and in the end of the dance he almost refused to let go. No high five there, just the quickest way away from him. I also danced with the coolest most good looking guy in the building twice. I think his name was Simon, but I have a horrible memory when it comes to names... Anyways, he was awesome! Real eye-candy XD


Can you eat it o.O?


To celebrate my birthday with my parents, they asked me what sort or cake I wanted. And to that I answered that I didn't want a cake, I wanted fruit. And to grant my wish my parents took me to the supermarket to buy any kind of fruit I wanted. So... I took all the weirdest fruits I could find! There are some weird stuff out there!


Fruit and vegetables we bought:

  • Bananas

  • Cauliflower

  • Mushrooms

  • Date plums

  • Red grapes

  • Common fig

  • Pomegranates

  • Cucumber

  • Haricots Verts

  • Japanese pear

  • kiwi fruit

  • Kumquat

  • Melon Cantaloupe

  • Carrots

  • Paprika

  • Passion fruit


  • Dragon fruit

  • Pears

  • Asparagus patch

  • Tomatoes

  • Zucchini

And then our biggest problem turned out to be... what could you really eat? Could you eat the case? The seeds? The fruit pulp?


Batman, Spiderman or Ninja Turtles?

Ninja Turtles of course! The rat (Splinter) is just so damn badass! And... okay I can hardly remember anything more from the series. I just remember them being awesome, and that they loved pizza, and that they were mutated. From Spiderman I remember the lizard doctor, his redheaded girlfriend and a couple of bad-guys. But I can't remember what he looked like without the damn costume. I guess it's is time to resuscitate some of the old childhood memories :3 And batman, I actually never watched (we are talking the old TV-series) .

If games were real, or if we were a game?

So what if games were real? Many seems to have thought about, not really me thought... Up until now that is ^^' Okay, I kinda have. I mean we could really be some extremely advanced game similar to the Sims created by giants (or rats). So it doesn't really matter what we do, these giants control our every move and what we think... Or maybe not, would be scary thought >____< But hey, what if we had extra lives? Wouldn't that be practical? Oh... maybe not, since no one would die the world would overflow with people and in the end it wouldn't matter how many lives we had since there would be no food. And about the The sims advanced version part, sooner or later you get bored of your sims and tend to kill them in the most creative way possible. So let us just hope that the rats/giants find this game a little more interesting than I found The sims 3 to be, if not... We are so dead D:


You can also check out the "RPG Heroes Are Jerks" a YouTube video made by College humor (grandmas XD) but for some reason I wasn't able to embed it.

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