Three top three's

My list of top 3 annoying things!

1,5 litres milk-packages. I just have a really hard time opening then, just ask Antonia. And every time I take out a new package from the fridge my brother forcibly takes it away from me and opens it instead.

People who use “mm” as an answer to everything. Really pissed me off!

My parents hardly ever locking the door when going to the bathroom _ _'


Top three scary things!

Angry strangers. Soo scary > <

A pissed of Alexandra. Very scary^^'

Hello kitty! I don't know why... It's just so freaky!


Top three most embarrassing things I have done

I like to move it, move it (singing) and a super-silly dance at the Christmas show in the 9th grade. It was supposed to be funny... No one laughed...

Passing by the door to a classroom making some faces, after a while the people inside asked me “who are you?” They wasn't suppose to confront me > <

Saying “I'm an air-plane” holding my arms out just passing a corner. There was 2 girls sitting in a couch on the other side of the corner. My reaction, pushing on Magda (who was with me) and shouting -hurry, let's go! What can I say, I was tired and bored^^'

Now I challange you to do your own top 3/5/10(whatever number) list!! Please let me know what you did^^

P.s I found out that Prinscilla is on sale (see picture below). I'm buying!! And happy 16 Prinscilla^^


Last night my brother and I was sitting in my room talking English. When my mother walks in...


Mom: Det snöar ute.

Bro: Aurg (some random emoish sound)

Me: But I want it to snow

Bro: Yeah but the weather is really bad

Me: it's windy alrigth

Bro: Yeah! It blows! (haha)

Me: Nice one (haha)

Mom: …?

After a while of explaining the joke and the two meanings of blows my bother goes


Me:...? (didn't hear what he said)

Bro: *does a facepalm*

Mom: Tactical what?

Bro: Tactical facepalm, when several people does a facepalm at the same time.

Me: Yeah, but I missed it since I didn't hear what he said

Mom:...Whats a facepalm?

Me: This is a facepalm (does a facepalm)

Mom:... What does it mean?

Me: look this is the face (pointing at my face) and this is the palm, the palm of your hand (pointing at my hand) and then you go like (does a facepalm). That's a facepalm!

Mom: What is it in Swedish?

Bro: It has no Swedish equivalence.

Mom: How do you use it?

Me and my brother speaking gibberish at the same time.

Me: Wait a second! (complete silence) … Mom, haven't you ever done a facepalm? (looks astonished)

Mom: recently?

Me: No, I mean like...ever?

Mom: I think I have... Some time probably

Me: Well then you should know in what context to use it.



Shorty explained, my mother isn't good at English. But it's so fun and she's so cute when she speaks English cause she's so bad at it^^' And for you people who doesn't know what a facepalm is, here is a picture. Enjoy :D

University student v.s PIB student

My brother and I have often been complaining to each other about the size of your books, but since we study like 300 kilometres from each other we never been able to actually prove who have it the worst.

So now during the holidays I actually took the time to weight both mine and he's book. Here's the result...

My Physics book: 2,3 Kilogram

He's Physics book: 3,2 Kilogram


My Math book: 1,3 Kilogram

He's Math book: 1,7 Kilogram


It seems my brother have heavier both Math and physics book... That's when I came up with the glories idea of weighing all books!


All my brother's books

2 notebooks

1 Physics book

1 Math book

1 Physics handbook

Complete weigh: 6,4 Kilogram


Some of my books (I didn't bring all home)

1 Six subject notebook

1 Physics book

1 Math book

1 Japanese book

2 Swedish books

1 Chemistry file

Complete weigh: 8,2 Kilogram


Yey! I have heavier workload...Wait! That's not a good thing. And these wasn't even all of my books. I also have an English dictionary, 2 history books, 1 more Swedish book, 1 English book, probably some more books I can't remember and the computer/laptop. Trust me, that is heavy!! PIB's don't have to buy weights to train with, we can just use the books.

Cindy peters... Who?

Mom: Do you wanna go to a concert?
Mom: It's in the (can't remember the name) church tonight.
Me: I dunno, I don't feel like listening to something churchy.
Mom: God no! It's Cindy peters who's gonna come!
Me: Okey. (Pretending to know who it is)
Mom: She is really a big black woman.
Me:...? (What? Did my mom just say that?!)

So I ended up going to this concert whit my mother. What can I say^^' I don't like the same kind of music as my mother but I thought I could give hear like 2 hours of my time to make her happy. First a whole choir of blue-dressed woman's entered the stage and sung quite a lot of religious song about Christmas (Cindy Peters came a bit later), I didn't really enjoy the singing but some of them looked hilarious when they sang XD One of the constantly waved her left arm, and looked like she was trying to flirt whit the pianist. Another one looked really mad and angry, she showed all of hear teethes and leaned closer to the microphone. Almost pushing the women standing by her side away from the microphone. Not to mention when they did “jazz-hand” like three times during a song. I had a hard time to stop laughing, I'm so happy I was next to the central gangway. That way I was able to turn away from my mom so she couldn't see me laughing^^'

I also noticed a guy sitting on the opposite side of the church. He looked really hardcore and he's hair went all the way down to he's waist, and he was blond. During the show I witness something awesome, the hardcore guy was struggling to not start crying! Omg, thanks Mr. Hardcore guy you made my day, and was a lot more interesting to watch then Cindy Peters (Sorry I spied a little).

It seems that Cindy Peters was quite a bit famous, I didn't know that^^'

Mom: Don't she have an amazing voice?
Me: Yeah...I guess (I don't think shes that special)
Mom: such dimension.
Me: Yeah... (Her voice sound just like any other black women...I wonder if all black people sings good o.O?

Anyway, play good music and enjoy the last day before Christmas^^

Mom: Do you wanna go to a concert?
Mom: It's in the (can't remember the name) church tonight.
Me: I dunno, I don't feel like listening to something churchy.
Mom: God no! It's Cindy peters who's gonna come!
Me: Okey. (Pretending to know who it is)
Mom: She is really a big black woman.
Me:...? (Woot? Did my mom just say that?!)

So I ended up going to this concert whit my mother. What can I say^^' I don't like the same kind of music as my mother but I thought I could give hear like 2 hours of my time to make her happy. First a whole choir of blue-dressed woman's entered the stage and sung quite a lot of religious song about Christmas (Cindy Peters came a bit later), I didn't really enjoy the singing but some of them looked hilarious when they sang XD One of the constantly waved her left arm, and looked like she was trying to flirt whit the pianist. Another one looked really mad and angry, she showed all of hear teethes and leaned closer to the microphone. Almost pushing the women standing by her side away from the microphone. Not to mention when they did “jazz-hand” like three times during a song. I had a hard time to stop laughing, I'm so happy I was next to the central gangway. That way I was able to turn away from my mom so she couldn't see me laughing^^'

I also noticed a guy sitting on the opposite side of the church. He looked really hardcore and he's hair went all the way down to he's waist, and he was blond. During the show I witness something awesome, the hardcore guy was struggling to not start crying! Omg, thanks Mr. Hardcore guy you made my day, and was a lot more interesting to watch then Cindy Peters (Sorry I spied a little).

It seems that Cindy Peters was quite a bit famous, I didn't know that^^'

Mom: Don't she have an amazing voice?
Me: Yeah...I guess (I don't think shes that special)
Mom: such dimension.
Me: Yeah... (Her voice sound just like any other black women...I wonder if all black people sings good...?)

cute kitty :D


Tiresome day, I went up early to visit my old school together whit my friends Alexandra. And since I the previous day went to bed at one... I was tired. The only thing the visit gave me was a reminder of why I didn't like the place. Then me and Alexandra went and bought lunch and ice-cream. (it's -15 Celsius outside. And yes I know, we are crazy XP) Then I went into town, Alexandra had to go home and study. Spend the afternoon walking in town with Sofia and Jessica. Here's some photos of Östersund for you who's never been there :D



Sorry I haven't updated in a while. But since I left Umeå I spend my time sleeping and hanging whit my friends. There really haven't been much time for the computer^^'

I was planning on writing on the way home (40 miles= 5 hours on the bus), but when I flipped the screen on my laptop up it only said. “critical low battery error” and shut down ...pissed me off!


A kinda cool guy with a beard was sitting next to me on the bus, but I think I scared him away. Since the computer didn't work I talked to Sofia on the phone. I have to admit that I acted very girlish since we looked forward to the dance the flowing day. Regarding the dance we also discussed make-up, clothes and hair. The kinda cool guy stared at me and changed to another seat. I don't think he liked me^^' Anyway two seats for me the rest of the way. Acting girlish to scare away people for the win!


Then I came home, went almost straight to bed and fell asleep, only to wake up by “VARNING! INCOMING PHONECALL, PICK UP THE PHONE IMIDIENTLY! OR YOUR PHONE WILL MELT INTO A STINKING MASS OF ICKY GOO!”. That would be my phone-signal. And in the phone my friend Alexandra telling me to let her in, since she happened to be standing outside my house^^'


Later on that day we went to the dance, it was awesome. It was great meeting all of my friends and at first it was pretty much a hug-war. Both me and Alexandra wanted the first hug ...She won...

Dancing was fun and the guys was a lot nicer then the guys we danced whit at school (it wasn't our class) because when I asked the guys we danced whit at school for high fives they just stared at me. These guys actually smiled and gave me high fives! And they where quite good at dancing to.


I also met an old classmate of mine who earlier didn't know how to dance. Now he did, and he had also coloured the hair blue/green! Awesome, so if you want to learn how to dance, colour you hair blue or green... I really don't know what colour he's hair was^^'


Well now I'm not going to bore you with more details of my life. Instead here is some cute pictures^^


Merii Kurisumasu!

I had only 2 lessons today! First Japanese when we watched ”My boss my hero”. A really awesome and hilarious Japanese tv-series about a 28 year old guy who wants to inherit the title as mafia-boss after his father. But he's so bloody stupid that he's father says that he have to graduate from high school in order to become the next mafia boss. So he discuses himself as a 17 year old student and goes back to school to study. Those supid Japanese XD


This isn't the most funny part, but there wasn't a lot of it with enlish suttitle on Youtube. Still pretty funny, enjoy^^



And then I had English when we where given 20 minutes to make a presentation about Christmas traditions in other country's. So I checked up on Japan, apparently they don't really know the meaning of Christmas and eat Christmas cakes. And so after lunch I ended, such a great day.

Those Christmas cakes sure looks, tasty. Magda could even hear my stomach roar^^'


P.s Today I also decided to eat the rest of the chocolate in my chocolate-calender since I'm going home tomorrow. Sorry Christmas calender^^'

Whoo! I'm Luke Skywalker!

Which Star Wars Character Are You?

Your Result: Luke SkyWalker


You are a noble and loyal person who is always looking after the welfare of your friends, even if your hand gets cut off trying to save them. Just stop kissing your sister and everything will be fine.


But anyway back to real life. This was a great day, our first lesson was history when we finished watching the scarlet pimpernel, then we had lunch. Yey, Christmas food, julmust and peppercakes ;)

And on the P.E We had massage!! On the Swedish we played a few games and our last lesson was math. I wish all days could be like this!


I also went scanning the web about what people in the world thought about Sweden and Swedish people.


The Swedish people I have known have seemed to always be sleepy for some reason.

It is assumed you are cold, boring people, you are committing suicide several times a year, and (sorry) you have nice blonde high and promiscous girls ... that love the typical ugly short dark brown Spaniard. “


Sleepy...hrm...? That might be true^^'


Committing suicide several times a year? That wasn't possible last time I checked. I mean you can only die once, or have I missed something? And hey, we really don't take suicide that often. Not according to Wikipedia!!! And for your information boring and cold is probably the last thing someone would use to describe me...usually people just describe me as “jumpy”.

“love the typical ugly short dark brown Spaniard.”....What!? Who came up whit that??? Okay I prefer dark haired people before blond ones...but short? Dark brown? -.-

Idiots!.... Not much to say about the blonde girl part, everyone seems to think so....


Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway. (Taking suicide is considered serious, so don't do it!)

There is no rhyme for “cracker-chocolate” (Kexchoklad)

This was an extremely boring day, and therefore I'm making a poem out of it to make it less boring, so here we go!


9 days to Christmas and the snow is falling down.

So stop wearing that frown!

After making it to school on a bike

(trust me, it's not something I like).

We had Swedish with the teacher.

Thought she's more like an ugly creature.

History that is heaven nor hell.

It's the scarlet pimpernel.


There is no rhyme for “cracker-chocolate”, so let's not make this short.

It tasted wonderful, the chocolate that I bought.


Let's skipp the math, Physics and the way home.

Great...But where on earth is my comb?


Marry Christmas to one and all

For The Christmas Hamster there is a call^^

Brain-frying mission complete!

Yesterday a Christmas miracle occurred, it wasn't a very big one. But it's still a miracle. About little less then a month ago I wasted some money on a chocolate-calender, that I totally forgot. Until yesterday... Chocolate!!! And today is the 14, that means 14 (-4 that I already ate) pieces of wonderful chocolate only for me^^ I mean how big is the possibility that I would forget about a chocolate-calender, it's like 1 to a 100. Therefor I decide it on being a Christmas-miracle!


I would say that today have pretty much only been a day full of brain-frying. Yesterday I drank a Mocca coffee at Waynes. I never drink coffee since it tastes really bad, but not this one. How can you possible resist a mountain of choc-ho-coffee overflowing with whip-cream and colorful marshmallows. It tasted really good, but I, not being used to drinking caffeine had a hard time falling a sleep. And I woke up a 5 feeling like I could run to the end of earth and bungee-jump in the debts of hell. And that feeling remained... until shortly after lunch. When I totally ran out of energy! The only thing I did at Japanese-class was staring at the wall and yawning. Then Magda gave me some bubblegum causing me to get a sugar-rush. Then we all headed towards town, except for poor Antonia who is doing a German-test, and some other people that I have no clue where they are^^'


Tove tried to flee whiteout getting a hug, but I manege to catch her and give her a hug^^ That's hug nr. 4 today, with more to come. Anyway back to the brain-frying. We arrived to Waynes, and I ate a super-tasty blueberry cupcake and a Frappes (+ I stole some chai-latte from Magda...and some more bubblegum.) And continued to fry my brain using was horrible. I tried like 5 problems, and all of then are way of... I have to ask about it tomorrow.

And while sitting on Waynes, I didn't get the internet to work. But it did for Twinflower! She gave me the evil laugh.


P.s Cats are awesome!

Should I be worried?

For Christmas I want a video-camera. My parents haven't asked me what I want for Christmas. They didn't last year either. They gave me a frying pan. Should I be worried? But hey! It can't possibly be worse then last Christmas right?...Right...?


Top 10 things I want for Christmas!

  1. Video-camera

  2. A Christmas miracle (black marshmallows for example)

  3. Poster (If it's ugly just give me the money!)

  4. Cute, funny or weird socks

  5. Wayne's coffeehouse gift card

  6. 8-ball

  7. Post it notes (non yellow)

  8. Rubik's Cube

  9. Radio-controlled car

  10. MONEY!!


...that's a weird wishing-list... It look's like it belongs to a child...A very intelligent child!


Top 5 ideas for Christmas miracles (that actually could happen)

  1. Black marshmallows

  2. Seeing dark wader at Ica Maxi

  3. Receive hugs from at least 20 people in a day (preferably from people I know...or good looking guys^^)

  4. Making my brother hyped (that's gonna need a lot of caffeine...he don't like coffee-.-)

  5. Beating my brother at chess!


Other Christmas miracles are also very Welcome!

Eweryone love Magical trevor^^

Underbar dag^^
Jag har lärt mig en låt på gitarr, spelat Zelda Twilight princess. Åkt in till stan med Antonia och köpt en Frappes på Waynes. Köpte lussebullar, åt lussebullar. Åkt hem igen blivit beroende av en låt och fått Magical Trevor på hjärnan. Ritade på några ägg^^' Helt enkelt en underbar dag full av lathet^^

Men var håller svenskan på att försvinna, hörde en kille klädd som en julgran (rötrutig jacka, julgrön halsduk och orange mössa) snacka i telefonen. "Ska dra ner på stan och raida *bla bla bla* Ja men han hade lussebullar i ugnen so han var inte in the mood" haha, ganska udda kombination av saker att säga XP


Sen hittade jag den här artikeln också...har det här verkligen hänt? Nån som vet?,28804,1945379_1944626_1944628,00.html

Best brownie ever!

Jag gick upp klockan halv 6 i morse. En halvtimme för att duscha, en halvtimme för att äta, en halvtimme valfri aktivitet (tandborstning, träning inför prov, mm) och sen skulle man ju vara en halvtimme tidigare för Lucia-kören. ...Underbart, min sångröst är ganska osjungbar på morronen.


Har föresten kollat upp vad tomtenisse är på engelska, det kunde vara elf, Christmas elf, pixie och brownie! Meaning that I was the best brownie in the whole Lucia parade...actually I was the only one, my friends sure didn't have trouble finding me. I mean a tiny red dot in a sea of white, good luck avoiding to see me!

Then I also proved that I belong in the IB by saying "peppercake"... The other IB-students stared at me ^^'  And we wacthed karl bertil johnssons julafton, that waz cozy. Not to metion that I manegde to crack a peppercake in tree pices and reciving a wish.


But is waz fun, though people stared at me a lot afterwards sense I didn't bring change of clothes.


P.s I not sure that it actually can be brownie but it's according to “” and it would be so cool if it was XP



New moon...hrm

Jag var och såg New moon igår (inte twilight 2 som en kompis till mig var mycket noggrann med att påpeka).

Så först åkte jag ner på stan och letade upp bokinlämnings kastet för Toves bok som jag lovat att lämna... men det hade stän gt (i Näsåker är det mycket modernare). Så det slutade med att jag satte mig ner och läste boken i väntan på Niklas och Arvid. Hann bara till andra sidan när de dök upp.

Hämtade ut biljetterna och köpte snacks, jag prövade att köpa en Fantasy Cafe cola bara för skojs skull. Gör inte det! Det smakar... gör det bara inte. Dessutom innehåller den faktiskt inget koffein. I kassan satt en tjej som när vi berättade att vi skulle gå och skratta åt twilight sa ”man skrattar inte åt twilight”. Oh no, twilight-fans have our candy! Run! Just ja, jag såg IB:are där också (på bion menar jag) blev ganska förvånad och höll nästan på att gå in i en tant med grå jacka.


Precis när filmen börja vände sig killen framför oss om och sa att han hoppas vi skulle vara tysta nu när filmen börja, scary... En typ 20-30 åring som ser på twilight seriöst??? Den var ändå ganska kul på sina ställen fastän jag höll på att somna ibland. Ungefär i mitten av filmen vänder sig snubben framför oss sig om igen och säger åt oss att hålla käften och något om att han hade betalat för det (vi betalade faktiskt också för det)...super scary... Han stirrade dessutom på oss när filmen var slut...


Okej förlåt alla Twilight fans, men man måste faktiskt få skratta åt andra twilight filmen (Oups, förlåt Sofia ^^')...den är helt enkelt inte så bra. Det var också ganska kul när tjejerna som satt bakom oss blev tårögda och började snyfta, tro mig det var ingen snyftscen. En annan sak, Robert Pattinson är inte snygg, inte ens när han inte är blå (syftar på första filmen som är...blå).


Judge for yourself. (Ugly)

International Baccalaureate-Try to pronounce it!

Idag får vi klasströjor baksidan säger ”IB-Probably the best pre-university education in the world” Jag tycker att de skulle ha stått ”International Baccalaureate-Try to pronounce it!” Vi har också en ny person I klassen, tatata! Moa! Bra att klassen inte bara minskar, annars hade det väll slutat med att det blev typ fyra personer I slutet.


When an IB Coordinator says "Jump!" an IB freshmen asks "How high?"
Two years later the IB Coordinator says "Jump!" and the IB Junior asks "Where's the nearest cliff?"


Stannar i Umeå fram till jullovet trots min hemlängtan... Ja men man förlorar ju typ 12 timmar på att åka fram och tillbaka. Tro mig 5 timmar på en buss full med främmande människor då man missar middagen och inte kan plugga, är inte att föredra. Den värsta bussresan jag någonsin varit med om var för ett tag sedan när en bro var stängd så bussen var tvungen att ta en extra omväg +20 minuter. Luftkonditioneringen var trasig alltså 30 grader varmt, stanken av svett och vattnet tog slut... Dessutom var det imma på rutan så bussen var tvungen att köra ännu långsammare +20 minuter till. Efter 6-7 timmar på bussen är man då ganska mör och nästan kastar sig av bussen bara för att inse att din väska har hamnat längs ner i det enorma lastutrymmet.

Everyone, don't take the buss for fun's sake!

IB X-maz party!

Today is the day of December the 3rd,
And of some reason I feel like a nerd.
I went home early to study,
In school i left my buddy.
All the things I have to do,
Japanese, English, chemistry and Swedish to...

Lucia is now decided by vote,
But I will wear a hat and a coat.
Outside is cold as hell,
But still I hear no Christmas bell.

At the IB-Christmas party there was charade,
I wish more people would have stayed.
The food there was free,
And as music there was a X-mas cd.

As Christmas-present for the IB1 and IB2,
You get to sleep unless you
have something else to do.

No one know my b
logg exists

But to you all a god night kiss

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