Smoke-sale and food fight!

But I should have studied a lot... I didn't... So I'm gonna study today!


Yesterday I went to town to meet up with Sofia, we went to Rut m fl, since a recent fire had made all the clothes smell of smoke and they sold everything really, really cheap. Bought a couple of jeans for 150, that would have been for 300 if not for the smoke-sale. Then, time to slack! We rented 2 movies bought soda, potato-chips, and a mudcake. Took the bus to Sofia's place and well, we ate it all in about 1 and a half hour. Except for the whipped cream, that we also had a small scale war with.


Then later on we where playing long music and just chilling, suddenly Sofia's dad opens the door and screams ”DINNER!!!!!”, I thought I was going to get a hearing damage and Sofia asked what he's problem was. He tried to blame us for playing really loud music when he realized that at the time he yelled there was no music since the song had already ended. Fail!


I can recommend the Butterfly effect, cool and surprising movie. But Urban legends bloody Mary... Such a disappointment.


Sofia: I found some potatochips!

Me: What! Where!


And so the war of the last potato-chips stared...

Illuminati It's everywhere!

So now I'm going to write a little more... or should I? Do you have enough energy to read?


The 6 stages of this physics test


1. (Before the test) ~This might actually go well^^

2. (Receiving the test) I'm just gonna skip that question.

3. (After reading trough half the test) ~ That can't be right, I'm just gonna go to the next question.

4. (The end of the page and about 1 hour left) ~ Damn... I don't know anything... I'm going to fail :(

5. (Back to the top of the page again) OMG! I'm not that stupid, that might actually be correct, if I just change that.

6. (5 minutes left) Aurg!! But I'm not done yet! And I finally understand a bit...


Can I have 5 minutes more?”

Yeah if you follow me to the next classroom.”


So I ended up following Mr. Science-guy to the next class and finishing the test there instead. Outside the classroom there was a guy and he's friend loudly singing on a love song (can't remember the name of it) it made me happy and I actually walked away from the test with a smile on my face.


And now we have to pick a question for the History Essay we are doing... And suddenly our class is possessed by the idea the Illuminati exists in everything, everywhere... We might end up in mental hospital, all of us O.O

work hard little worker bee

Physics test tomorrow, got a practice test today... It didn't go so well...

Cheer me up music! (and then back to studying)

Motion City Soundtrack – Worker Bee

Motion City Soundtrack – A Lifeless Ordinary (Need A Little Help)
The Offspring – You're Gonna Go Far, Kid - Explicit Album Version
Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit
Goldfinger – 99 Red Balloons

I know a little weird music, some cheer me up some help me study. I think I can be a worker bee the rest of the evening, with a little help from my brother in physics and it might even go well ^^

Study snacks...ANY SNACKS!!

I would really like a study snack... But I don't have the time to go and buy something. Anyway, if I could choose any candy rigth now I would probably eat chocolate Pockys... or Kinapuffar (crappy translation China-puffs).


Just enjoy people, you who can... Unlike me who really have to study.


P.s Try pressing the picture (no it's not going to bite you... rather the opposite actually;D ).


I was curios about sleepwalking so I checked it up, It seems people have done some pretty weird stuff being asleep. I also found this website about keeping your sleepwalking kids safe during their sleepwalking, this is a quote from that website. "Keys should be kept out of reach for kids who are old enough to drive." It sure feels like this implies that people have been driving sleeping, scary :0 Personally I don't sleepwalk, except for this one time when I woke up sitting on the floor like a meter away from my bed. No idea how I ended up there. Check up "sleepwalkin" on Urban dictionary and there is another story about a sleepwalker.

I have several friends who sleepwalk, and especially talk in their sleep. Get how funny that is, you can ask them anything and they are not going to remember answering it. Sorry I don't really have anything funny to say about sleepwalking since I don't really do it, nor talking in my sleep, nor snoring (mostly^^').

Now I'm going to enjoy sleeping, so happy I'm not sleepwalking cause if I did I might go downstairs to my landlady and her son while sleeping... That would be so horrible embarrassing > <!



A teenager life... what does that really contain? Could it be idiocy? Staying up late? Experimenting? Getting drunk for the first time? Having sex? getting a good grade? Hanging with friends? Having fun...


I personally don't think about the whole teenager thing that often. I mean my wishing list for X-mas contained a lot of childish things, and still I'm a 16 year old living more or less on my own. I do the shopping, I do the washing, the cleaning and handle an economy. And in the eyes of my parents I don't know what I am. I can easily say that they never give me any toys, or funny things as presents anymore, it's more useful stuff. Like frying pans, warm (but ugly) sweaters, and a book in English (I haven't finished the book yet so I don't know if it's a good one). But they are still very overprotective at times and well... simply parentsish. Trying to figure out your life, except that they are the one trying to understand it. And sure it's good that they are concerned and care about me, but constantly hearing the question “How are you feeling?” is weird. I mean if I have and ordinary day I'm just fine. But my parents will never settle for that, they always want me to describe why I am fine... a bit odd if you ask me... The conversation usually ends up something like. “I'm fine because nothing bad and nothing really good happened today”


Is the big quest of the teenager to find themselves? I did that I while back, now I'm just living my life with the goal of having lots of fun and traveling all over the world ^^


And for all teenager out there, remember that one day we will rule the world and our old teacher will be at the old people's home, he he

First video-games and now...

Anime!! No sorry I just listened to this really cute song from Azumanga daioh and I can't get it out of my head. So you better listen to it, help me make it into a pandemic ;D

But now I really have to go to bed. After I watc
hed a new episode of Kimi ni Todoke, a really cute and hilarious anime. Not what I usually like but it's really great. (But azumanga daioh is better^^)

Go ビデオゲーム!

I've always been a fan of harvest moon, a game that can't be play to many times. Super Mario, Super Smash Bros Brawl and other Nintendo game is not never wrong ^ ^ And why are they so know all over the world is perhaps because they are awesome! I have never been as sold on a game from the U.S. that I have with the Japanese (except tetris ^ ^ '). But seriously I think it may be because of the style of the games, they are very well done with many hidden secrets and different possibilities in the game, at lest these days. The first Super Mario didn't really have that many possibilities but some hidden secrets at least... I think^^' But it is childish fun and everyone can play them, it's just not games that only seeks to kick and kill a lot of things. No, you have to think, explore the possibility's, or just be simply amazed by the fun characters and environments. (I mean, Super Mario, a plumber who jumps on turtles and get help from mushroom to save the princess, It feels like the person creating Super Mario was high :P Or harvest moon when you can't help but think is cute + to a turnip is as big as his head in proportion, so funny.

Well I'm writing a short essay about Japan and Japanese popular culture. This is a piece of it, I own the copyrights... I hope... Good luck figuring out what the title means ^_^

Oh my devil that's a lot to do!

-Now that you have a blog you have to update like three times a day.


-Because that is what all the successful bloggers do.


I'm sorry I haven't updated, but I haven't had the time and I'm not a sucessful blogger either so...


Okay, I have been studying, studying and watched the the ring... great combination. As I don't get enough nightmares by all the tests coming up (Physisc, Chemistry, Swedish and now alos Japanese D: )


I happened to say that I tested to drop the computer on a stone-floor, when I meant I happened to drop it^^' everyone thought that was very funny since one of the IB1 overheard the tested to drop and took it deadly serious.


Word of the day: Oh my devil! (instead of Oh my God!)

Happenings tomorrow: Wear a dress Wednesday (unofficial, since I bought a dress yesterday, they are forcing me to wear it tomorrow. But in exchange they will also wear dresses.)


Well I just wanted to tell you that I'm still alive and studying _ _

Saturday grocery shopping

Saturday, and time for grocery shopping. Not feeling like it I asked the “almighty” Google how to make it more fun. The thing was that the only things I could find was pretty much.

How to make shopping a fun experience for kids” or “Making shopping more fun for men”. And well, I'm not a man nor a kid. I'm a teenager who don't have a lot of money to spent on other things then food. I asked Antonia if she wanted to join me... she said no :( So all alone I left the house and took the bike to the store.


Nowadays they hardly have these kind of shopping carts (< .<), instead there is one with no lower floor or whatever you should call it. For me when I realized that the old model hardly existed anywhere, it was a big disappointment. And today I found out that the store where I shop still have the old model. It made me like happy and I ended up getting one (I usually just use a basket). Awesome! Time to go riding a shopping cart. That is why I like the old models, cause they have a place where you can put your feet while sliding around with a cart.


The thing was that the store was packed with people. And if I would have slided on the cart for even I second I would probably crushed in to someone or something. Anyways here is a video of truly fun shopping XD Sadly I'm so bad at trowing I would probably end up sweeping up milk from a broken package or something.


About turnips, and the country where the turnips live.

Me, going the IB-program and all, aren't the lest interested in Sweden. I grew up here, and quite fast grew bored from it, but to my surprise there is actually people who wants to go to Sweden. As a prof of that, we have a new student in our class, and exchange student from Germany O.o

Also goggling Sweden I found this blog written by a student (non-Swedish) studying in Sweden. I found it very interesting reading what people think about Sweden, and words they find funny like ”Farthinder” and when we say god morning ”morron” it sounds like we call each-other moron. Because as a native speaker these things doesn't usually occur to you. There is for example a village, that I passed by like once a week growing up, it's name is “Bye” pronounced something like buie, and I didn't think about the fact that it was bye in English until one day when I was 15 and mistook the sign for a joke (I was very tired that day and was only able to think in English for a moment.). Could people be looking at Sweden as I look at Japan, Australia, Italy, Portugal and several other countries. As a whole new world of adventured ready to be discovered (cheesy yeah, but really that is what I think). Cause up until now I have only met people coming to Sweden with their parents, and not by their like “free” will. I haven't even thought that people would actually come here, only like, talk about it. But apparently it exists, surprising enough as it is. And just recently I realized that the word swedes means kålrot/turnip, I mean... I am a vegetable... how did that happen O.o


Haha! I should Google Sweden more often, there is so many things I didn't know about us ;D

(none of those below are completely true)


A Swede is tall, blonde, blue-eyed, and wears a wooly hat in the winter. By nature he is shy, reserved, serious, industrous, and finds it hard to laugh at himself. He is also a creature of habit and every morning gets up at 5.30 to give himself enough time to read the morning newspaper before going to work. Since work does not usually start until 8 o’clock, this can only imply that a Swede is also a slow reader. “


Those crazy Swedes! When we're not killing polar bears with our bare hands, we make cheap ass furniture and drive around naked in our Volvos and Saabs.”


Swedes listen to rock music and have sex all the time, often while drinking beer and talking trash about the norwegians. We also take pride in creating some of the best pornographic material in the world. “


Here is some funny websites about Sweden, just don't fully believe then, they are quite weird XP Except for “Swedish blog” that's a serious one. Click on the pictures for different websites, just click and guess you will never know what you might find out XD

Pie and Vampirism

I'm sitting in my room waiting fro my pie to get ready (it's in the oven). The thing is that it smells horrible because something in bottom of the oven is becoming burned... And I'm not going to turn of the oven and clean it. I want my pie!


You know what there is something called “Östras Kristna” (meaning our schools Christians) but there is no Östras Muslims or Östras Atheists... Isn't that like racialist? Or disregarding to other religions. I mean is it really like important that we keep Christianity in Sweden, it's not that I have anything against it. But can't the religions be equal, and don't try making other believing it, sure you can tell people what it stands for, but you don't have to force someone in believing. I bet that more then half of all wars was because of religion. And it wouldn't surprise me if another suddenly appeared ( a war I mean).

About religions that oppose of the lawn, I am oppose. And like this vampire religion (not sure if it's some kind of joke thought) .


Our primary focus is that of a unique religion which is devoted to enabling candidate humans achieve the Vampiric Condition and to promote the spread of Vampirism as it serves the desires of the Undead. This is not a game. We are all deadly serious.


I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me ”


Sure nothing wrong with believing in vampires (I do it myself to some extent) but the whole, I'm a vampire bow down before me thing, if you are a human, then you are not a vampire and then you are equal to others. I guess this sounds very confusing, I'm just gonna go eat dinner... Bye^^

Last Tuesday of doom!


This week is the last week on our schedule, meaning the last Tuesday of doom. It's called the Tuesday or doom since we go to 16:40 and math is our last lesson _ _*


I bought a new wallet today, and some kind of drink at Barista (a cafe). It tasted like a mixture of ice-cream and dreams (the cookie). And it was like freezing, just like the weather outside, so I had to put both my gloves and cap on so that I wouldn't be cold (since we did takeaway^^').


But I have to study now, that's PIB -_-


”IB helps you with stress management. It throws all this stress at you and says, 'Manage it!' Then you have your breakdown and you get over it. ”



We fought a photo booth and came out as the winners!

This morning was very exacting, since me and Antonia arrived early we reacted every time someone came down the stairs, hoping it would be one of our fellow PIB students. People slowly arrived, HUG WAR!! Then Chemistry... you feel like when you once again reunion with your friends school suddenly became boring again, and you can't understand why you missed it (a tiny viny bit) during the holiday.


After school I hit town together with like half of my class^^ Thought we split up once reaching town. I, Antonia, and Tove had to buy a buss-card, and Anneli and Kate tagged along. It was a bit awkward waiting in line, cause everyone was super-quiet (you could probably hear a needle fall). So me Tove and Antonia whispered, and we did it in English, and I swear everyone in the line was listening to us. Quote of Antonia “Everyone is so quiet... So typical Swedish. “ I bet they heard that to.


Then I bought post it's, toothpaste, duck tape and pretzels. (just if you wanted to know). Tove really wanted to buy candy but then said that she couldn't eat candy. Of course we asked her why.

“I can't eat candy since I'm a vegetarian”, doesn't it sound logical :P

We hung out at Wayne's for quite a while where I also ate dinner. After that me, Tove and Antonia went fighting with a photo boat since Tove needed a photo, i

t was really hard, and we ended up standing there for like 10 minutes before we could make it work, and then we had to pay in cash with 5 and 10 kroner coins. To find all these small coins wasn't to easy either, I mean who ever wears a lot of coins with them (royals shouldn't jingle XP).

The we went shopping. Entering H&M, there is was... Antonia “It's a star-wars T-shirt!!”

So we picked up some clothes and when reacting the dressing rooms the woman there says “We close in 5 minutes” meaning we really had to hurry... But Antonia bought the awesome Star wars T-shirt so at lest something good came out of this shopping. I didn't buy anything...

That's all folks!

”Home” sweet ”home”

Okay now I'm ”home” meaning my second home in Umeå. After sitting 5 hours on the bus yesterday, I wandered around in the deserted hallways of the hospital waiting for the bus. And when reaching ”home”, the first thing I did was to check if my bike was still there so it wasn't stolen or anything... The thing was on the place where my bike had once been standing the was a huge pile of snow almost as big as me and about the same wide as my bed... Great _ _'

Stepping inside the hallway, my dad calls... Great _ _'

“Daddy, I just got inside the house, I don't want to wake anyone up and I have to drag 3 bags up the stairs. I will call you later!”

So I stomped, clattered and almost braked my shoulder walking up the stair with 3 big, big bags. When I finally get up Antonia's (my room-mate) door is open, but she's not in there. Everything is covered in darkness. And then! Dun dun!

“Oh hay, I borrowed your room since internet doesn't work in my room” It's Antonia :D


And today, my landlady told me she had just put away the bike, in a garage. Great, I don't have to dig it up^^ Sadly enough 2 of my plants died during the winter-vacation, but I bought new cooler plants instead. And to all PIB's, I will see you tomorrow, can't wait :D

Some old pictures from mine and Antonias "Apartment"

Movies, movies and freezing cold weather

Sorry I haven't been updating lately but me and my friend had a movie night, including her sleeping over. We totally watched 8 movies + I watched Garfield 2 before she arrived.

Inglorious bastards (Action) : A very good movie, funny, weird, flashy and a bit raw. I like it :)


Lesbian vampire killers (horror comedy): Not as weird as scary movie, with some badly explained stuff, but in all a quite funny movie (not scary ^^')


Anti Christ (Horror): Sickest movie I have ever seen! We shout it down after half, and didn't dare to watch it until the next day... Just don't watch it... it's repulsive... you will be scared for life... don't do it... scary > <


The fantastic four (Action) : Watched this movie on tv6, nice movie, quite a bit to obvious for my taste. But good if you want to avoid thinking about Anti Christ.


The Tv6 guy: More action?

Me & my friend: (Getting curious)

The Tv6 guy: There will be more action here again tomorrow.

Me & my friend: Damn!

The tv6 guy: Can't wait until then?

Me & my friend: No (now highly curious).

The tv6 guy: But what am I suppose to do? (sounding really upset)

(Awesome right, we actually had a conversation with the TV ;D)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Adventure) : I had actually seen this movie once before (or the ending at least) I like all the characters, the story and some sword-fighting is never wrong.


Ella Enchanted (Comedy): Funny in a cute way, but quite silly. (He poisoned the on earth does that work? I mean who have ever tried eating the crown?)


(we watched the rest of Anti Christ...scary > <)

Reign of fire (Sci-fi): Okay, I was very tired during this movie, so I don't remember that much. It's not a funny movie, more like drama. Not a big fan of drama, but they made the dragon really cool.

Princess Diaries 2 Royal Engagement (Comedy): Funny, cute, romantic...Boring, because I have already watched it way to many times. Nice family movie thought... No age limit.

Usually we aren't that lazy, but hey it's -25 Celsius out there. I'm not going out there, are you?

Just remember to never ever, ever! Watch Anti Christ... Scary > <

Winner of the the 8 movies! Lesbian Vampire killers!

It' a funny, weird and a good movie for watching with your friends. Just kidding, the only reason it won was because its about vampires and that they splat into icky goo when they die XP

Nr 2: Inglorious Basterds

Haha, Hitler's laugh makes you laugh! It's very ironic and serious at the same time, some things just surprise you so you have to laugh. And the ending is really brutal. Mohaha!



Go parody!

Here is a kinda fun parody on Owl City's song fireflies. It's a great song, nice parody and my favorite store to get lost in is IKEA and any candy story (if they are possible to get lost in).

And yeah, try to see how many times you see the guy in sunglasses.
Other then that I'm having a hard time falling asleep (you problebly think "Of course since your in front of the computer" But I really tried!). Anyway God night, don't let the bed bugs bite ;D

Move your ass from my space bitches! Or I will...

Today, my brother, my father, my mother, my grandpa and I went to Östersunds new year chorus show. Since my grandpa is in a wheelchair we had 2 seats that was handicap-seats (one for the handicapped and 1 for the one that takes care of the handicapped) and 3 seats on the row belong the handicap seat. The ting was that when we arrived to the theater, some people was sitting on our 3 seats. No, the people sitting there wasn't mean or evil, it had been a double-booking and me and my mother ended up running to where they sold the tickets 5 minutes before the show started. The lady there was utterly confused but noticed that no one had booked any of the handicap seats (except for us but since that didn't show up on the computer) this resulted in that our whole family ended up on the handicap seats. GREEEAT!! The coziest chairs ever, lot's of space for our feet, no one in the way, and we made it just in time for the show. Also I got the seat next to the light technician , that was kinda interesting^^ The only thing bad about the seats was that people seemed to look funny at me like “Does she really have a handicap?” or “I wonder what her problem is?” but maybe it's just my imagination^^'


The new year chorus show was really fun, and well made. Other then that I spent my day studying math and “A ninja was called, a ninja has answer” was mine and mystery Google's fault.

Seatbelts on! I'm driving.

Yay, car driving practice^^ Me and my dad took the car and drove (he drove) to a deserted road in the middle of the forest. So that we wouldn't risk meting a lumber car with me at the wheel, my dad drove all the way to the end of the road. In the end of the road there is clear- cut area, therefor the fear of lumber cars. There we changed places and I got to sit by the wheel. Everything was going great, until we arrive at a crossroad. My dad tells me to use the blinkers (something I haven't done before) I hit the break in the confusion, he tells me how to put the blinkers in, I allow the car to start moving again, my dad tells me to look at both directions (a little too late for that dad). Exactly when the the car once again have gained speed and the bilkers just stop. A Bright light appears in the other end of the road. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!! IT'S A F* LUMBER CAR!! (I didn't say that, but I though so!).

Me: What do I do? *uses the brake and stops the car*

Dad: Don't flash him! *leans over and changes to half-light* Back up the car!

Me: Where's the reverse gear!? *staring at the gear*

Another half minute of confusion and from my side a bit of panic. The Lumber car had stopped in front of us by the way^^' My dad jumps out of the car, I put the car in central position jumps out of the car and change to the passenger seat. While my dads back at the driver position. You can guess what happened after that, yes of course everything worked out fine, but not thanks to me. We went talking to the lumber-car-guy after the whole confusion was over, the first thing he said was...

Lumber-car-guy: driving practicing? (How could he have guess that? Maybe the fact that me and my dad changed places when we met him^^')


Another thing that happened a little bit later, when I once again was driving (I know it sounds so weird XD). It was a hill, I let go of the brake and the car started moving (no parking brake in) and I hadn't started driving yet.

Me: The car is moving!

Dad: And what do you do then? (at the same time he said that I put the brake in again)

Me: Put the seat-belt on! *Putting on my seatbelt*

Dad: *Looks at me in a confused and amused way* (he meant that I was suppose to hit the brake^^')


And on the way back home, this time on the mainroad (my first time on a mainroad, I was very nervous).

Dad: You can choose yourself what speed you want to have.

Me: I don't want to drive to fast here

Dad: So you do want to drive fast! (he wasn't kidding, he just misheard me)

Me: NO!!! I DON'T WANT TO DRIVE FAST HERE! (I was a tiny viny bit scared^^')

Dad: ... Okey... … … More gas!



Well I made it home^^ And as I said in the end of the car trip. “That was... an adrenaline rush”

Drive safely and pray that you won't meet me on your way home :P

Stupid and smart in one head o.O

Today I realized something, I'm extremely stupid, and at the same time quite smart. Earlier this day I was at my friends house, she remind me about how she tricked me that a spoon is very important for a lesbian sex-life. I don't really recall believing this, but my friend is confident, so I guess I suppressed it^^'. Another proof of my stupidity and trust in others (that I actually do remember), was when the earlier mention friends of mine (Ronja btw) tricked me into thinking that her phone would explode or at least brake if she spoke to me for to long time. And the next morning, at the second she saw me she stared laughing and continued doing so while explaining how terrible stupid it was of me to believe that the phone would actually explode (to my defence I would just like to say that she was very convincing).

Then there is the fact that I didn't know what “noob” meant until the second term of the 9th grade. And I didn't know what was so special about 69 until the summer vacation. This all lead me to the understanding that I'm horrible stupid :P

Then the proof that I'm smart...oke that's it. Just kidding, well I usually understand things pretty quickly, and pick up information where ever I go. Seriously I have a hard time not learning!Going to confirmation I deiced that I wouldn't learn anything of it. I later during a bible quiz noticed that I remembered a whole lot more then everyone else. The same with some Swedish lessons in the 9th grade, horrible boring Swedish teacher. I seriously sat and read a book right in front of her, and still knew more of what she had said then the others. I got MVG in Swedish in the 9th grade by the way.


So there you got it^^' Other then that I would just like to say that I miss everyone in Umeå, but I really can't come back until the 9th. Luckily there is people who's even more stupid then me (like me in the 9th grade XP)

Judging people by their appearance

Judging people by their appearance or what people say about them is something we all do. Now you might think “No I don't!” but really you do. And really since it's the first thing you get a hold of it's quite reasonable. Anyway different people judge people by different things, such as if there are wearing special brands, hairstyle, jewelery, make up, hair-color, so on, so on. So I'm going to tell you what I judge people by mostly in appearance, and that's usually three things.


Their shoes, their style and makeup. Basically what I think when I see peoples shoes is this, converse=a cool and nice person, high boots=hrm... (look at the rest of the person), gym shoes=boring, a bit more unusual shoes and I usually think, nice shoes, probably a nice person.


About the style, well I especially like punk and rock (but not over the top) , but really anything is fine except it looks “fjortis”.


And make up, if they don't use any make up at all, I think it's a nice person (if early-er things works out right). A lot of makeup means that they are “fjortisar” or evil bitches. A normal amount of make up and I don't really think about it that much.


But you have to understand that this is the first thing I think about you, it's really not the truth. For example one of my best friends almost always wears gym shoes and she's like the totally opposite of boring. The only point of this is pretty much, wear converse or converse-copy's cause I have never met a mean or boring person who wears converse XD

So really don't take this the wrong way, if you now have a lot of make up. But you might wanna think about cutting down on the makeup ;P

A wonderful welcome to 20010...?

Okay, today is the first day of 2010 (or as I always seem to write 20010). It's been an awesome year, I have graduated from my old school, started a new school, moved to a student home (that was scary), found a lot of new friends, moved to the upper floor of a woman's home, misscolored some stuff, seen new moon, heard our principal sing, said tree when I was suppose to say three way to many times. And a whole lot of other things that I can't recall. I gotten a blog as well, and facebook, thought I don't really know what to do with facebook. It just seems like contest of who has the most friends on that website..I got like 50 (on facebook).


Anyway, spending my new year with my parents was...lame... we ate dinner, watch ice hokey (Sweden won with 5-0. Go Sweden!), drank something my brother called glöggtoddy. It didn't taste to god, when he went to away I pored it out and then I drank water. Sorry bro^^'

played poker with my family, I wish we would have played about money cause I won! Watched 12-slaget on the tv. Watched mr and mrs Smith, and listening to my brother saying things like. “There is no way that could happen”, “why aren't they dead” and “Oh! She using an MG34 (it's a gun)”.

Going to bed at 3 and sleeping to 12....I had a nice dream.


Anyway, I'm going to town to watch Sherlock Holmes with Jessica, better be a good movie. Hope they speak British English and that Jessica (who only sleep 1 hour tonight) won't fall asleep during the movie. That would be embarrassing, and a bit fun, especially since it's the premier.


I don't have a good new year promise, any ideas? Happy 200010 :P (It's the year of the tiger for those who's interested.


P.s I will fix the header on the blog as soon as I feel for it.

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